Dear Hunter // Nine Months

Are you kidding me? I can't believe on the 13th of this month my tiny squishy newborn actually turned nine months old and isn't so tiny anymore. Honestly, like where has the time gone? I feel like it was just yesterday I was in the hospital for 42 hours screaming for somebody to just take you out. And now, you're crawling around like crazy, getting in to everything, pulling yourself up and walking while holding things, and so much more. It's incredible just how much growing babies do in their first year of life. I'm excited to have your first birthday, but it's so bittersweet to see you grow so fast.

I'm so excited for this upcoming holiday season. We've gone to the pumpkin patch already and found your first pumpkin! You LOVED the pumpkin patch and playing on the hay bales. We even took your first hay ride. I'm excited to let you paint your pumpkin this year.

You are so independent and always wanting to be down and exploring. On October 2nd, you said your first word... "MAMA!" You say it all the time when you're trying to get my attention, never when I ask you to. On October 6th you said "dada", I even caught it on video but you haven't said it much since. You are such a mama's boy too.

You've been sleeping so well in your crib at night. We finally made the transition. Your dad can take all the credit here. We had to go with the cry it out method, which completely sucked but you've done really well with it, it's what your doctor recommended. You go down usually around 8:30 and then sleep until 7-7:30. It's really nice. Your naps really could use improvement though. They haven't been the best. We couldn't love you more though, you're seriously the best little guy ever.

You still absolutely love to eat. When people go to put something you open yours really wide expecting a bite. It's the cutest thing. You are such a good eater too. You've only thrown peas once.

LOVES // books, playing with buttons on shirts, crawling around, destroying mom's makeup bag, water bottles, eating, and bath time.

HATES // taking naps (you're afraid you'll miss something I think), getting in and out of the carseat when you're tired, and sometimes getting your diaper changed.

You are so much fun these days. It's incredible to see you learning and growing. I even enjoy when you're getting into trouble. I just have to tell myself that these days are fleeting and I only get to see you grow up once. I couldn't be happier being your mom. I love you.