Sunday Social

1. What is your best summer memory as a kid?
Family reunions in McCall. Every single year my mom's whole side of the family goes to McCall in August. It's always been a tradition, and I love it so much. We have gone canoeing, horse back riding, watching meteor showers on our special rock, catching frogs, getting marshmallows and glow in the dark footballs stolen by foxes, jet skiing, boating, tubing, fishing, and so much more. Definitely always has been and always will be the highlight of my summers.

2. What is your favorite summer drink?

3. What is your favorite summer TV show?
Uhh, I don't know actually! 

4. What is the best outdoor summer activity?
Fishing, camping, and going to the lake! 

5. What are your summer vacation essentials?
Camera! Aloe vera, sunglasses, sunscreen, and tank tops! 

I'm Alive, I Swear

If you haven't noticed, I've been horrible at this whole blogging thing lately. It's been almost 10 days... 10 DAYS PEOPLE. That is a sin of all sins here in the blogging community. But, what the heck, I have a life outside of the interweb. In all honesty though, I've been super swamped with finals and work and such, and I didn't feel any motivation to write. I'm back though! Semester is done, summer is near, and I'm excited! So what's new with me? I'll tell you because I have nothing else to write about (or do with my life, but shh let's not let everyone know I'm a loser)! I guess this also counts as a Five On Friday!

(one) The most exciting news of all... As of right now, my mom is tumor free! I cannot contain my happiness right now. Of course, she still has to go through her chemo, and she's only half way done, but still! It is so exciting. Take that cancer. YOU SUCK.

(two) We got a snake! We went to repticon, it wasn't all it was hyped up to be, and I probably won't be itching to ever go back, but we got a cute little ball python. His name is Kaa. Like, from the Jungle Book. Precious right? If you don't like snakes, scrolling quickly passed this next picture would be in your best interest. You're welcome.

(three) This morning when I walked into work, I got a not-so-pleasant surprise. I ordered 300 goldfish (we go through so many a week because people like to put them in their ponds) and I kid you not, THEY WERE ALL DEAD. So, I'll be out for a whole week. And not to mention, this is the second time this has happened with that certain vendor. I'm not happy with them right now. I'm also not happy because I ask for four boxes of large crickets and they gave me one. Waddaheck. So I'll be low this week. Bahhhh humbug.

(four) I got two beauty subscriptions this week. I was kind of hoping they would be spaced out so I would have something to open like every other week, but it didn't happen. This was my first month doing Glossy Box and then I also have Ipsy. Well, I'll be doing a review on both of these boxes here in the near future. But, I just have to say it and some of you will be shocked. I'm just not that into Glossy!

(five) I made my mom, sister, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law dream catchers, and I've really gotten the hang of it. So if you guys really want a tutorial, I might possibly be willing to make a video. EEK! Here is my mom's (left) and sister's (right). I forgot to get some of my other mom and sister's. Sad panda.
Happy Friday ya'll!

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Monthly Wishes Update // Week One

Working Out // I have failed miserably at this. Except today I decided to take Drake on a short walk to play ball with him at a park near the house. That walk turned into a 20 minute playing ball and a mile and a half walk. It was great! And, I feel so good. I feel happier, and it has given me the motivation to work out more now. It was the little push I needed, that's for sure. Plus, Drake is adorable. I love spending quality time with him. We walked passed a high school where they were having softball practice and he thought every ball that was being thrown was for him. He got so excited. It was adorable.

Meal Prep// Now that I have exercised today, I got home and all I wanted was fruit! When Tom gets back home we are going grocery shopping so I can actually accomplish this one. I'm actually really excited for this.

Window Tint// Still need to schedule an appointment for this one...

Meditate// I plan on doing this tonight because I failed at this one as well. (Who am I kidding, I failed at all of them! But, I'm feeling super motivated now!)

Get Organized// I need to do this one as well. I need to figure out a plan that I like and that works for my bill organization for this. Do you guys have any good ways to keep up with bills and such?

Also, I made a dream catcher! If you follow me on instagram you saw it. If not check it out and if you want a tutorial I'd be more than happy to make one. It was super fun!

Take a moment to follow me on these social media sites! 

Sunday Social

1. Who do I call when I need to vent? 
My best friend Mykayla. 
2. Where do I go when I need alone time? 
My bathroom, I know that sounds really weird. But... I have no words to justify my actions.
3. What is my favorite alone time activity? 
Finding new blogs to read.
4. What is something that you guys should all stop and read right now? 
Anything by John Green. Take your pick. He's a literary genius.
5. Who do I wish would read my blog that doesn't already? 
Anyone who can take anything from it or relate. That's why I try to be completely myself when I blog. I have to convince myself to do that every time I click new post. I want this blog to scream 'me' and not just write about things that might get me views. 
Happy Sunday everyone!
Take a moment to follow me on these social media sites! 

Monthly Wishes

I know normal people do weekly wishes, but I'm not normal. I'm much better at doing monthly wishes. I really can't say that though, because I've never actually done them. I'm starting something new and doing them. Moving on. Intros are awkward.

Before we start though let's take a moment to look at how cute my Lovebird is at my work. (Can I say my Lovebird if I don't actually own him? Yes, I take care of him... MY Lovebird) I named him Peaches because he's a Peachface Lovebird. Original I know.
He literally has to sit right on my shirt or else he gets sassy and nips at me. And he will snuggle in my hair. I hate birds. With the exception of this one. The Cockatiel I've been trying to work with bit me so hard today he drew blood. Yeah. I hate birds.

Moving on to the actual point.

Working Out// I need to actually put my gym membership to use. I don't even want to jump on the scale to see how much weight I've gained since being out of high school and getting married. I can tell you it's a scary number, though. I've been wasting my gym membership by not using it. So I'm challenging myself to go at least twice a week. To you, that may not seem like a lot, the real struggle for me is finding the time to actually go. I want to get a routine going and actually be able to go much more. I would like to be a runner someday and be able to just put my headphones in and run. I have dreams about it all the time. Is that a sign of motivation?

Meal Prep// This in turn will make for healthier/home cooked meals to help in my working out. I really don't like eating fast food, it's just convenient so I do it. I want that to end. I need to start working on creating better habits for myself. Doing them routinely will actually make them become a habit. Both with eating healthy and working out. If someone wants to send me motivational tweets I would love you forever. @beinghampton   Follow me and lets motivate each other!

Window Tint// I actually have the money to tint my car, now I just need to do it! If I don't soon, I will spend the money elsewhere, and I really want my windows tinted.

Meditate// I really would love to find some time at night before going to bed to meditate. Whether that's doing yoga, reading, bubble bath, or actually sitting there criss-cross apple sauce (is that just a thing we say around here or?) with my palms in the air. I don't care! I just need me-time to de-stress. Away from social media and just letting my brain be quiet for like 20 minutes.

Get Organized// I want to get organized with paying bills on time and having a day-to-day schedule written out. This would help me so much with not stressing so much about things, getting bills paid on time, and actually having time for "me-time" and "healthy-me-time". I also desperately need to sit down and write down a budget for Tom and I so we can start putting money into a savings account.

I will stick with five things for this month. Four out of five of them are huge deals to me, and I really would like to accomplish them. Maybe each week I can give a run down of how I'm doing with things. That will get me blogging, and actually make me do them. Sorry this post was painfully long!

Do you have any weekly/monthly wishes?

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