Sunday Social

1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve? 
When people get in front of you and SLOW DOWN. Are you kidding me? What is the point of that? Or even worse, they cut you off, slam on their brakes and turn. At that point I am hoping they are looking in their rear view mirror to see me telling them that they are number one.

2. What is your biggest blogging pet peeve? 
Too many ads on a page. I get it, you want to make money off your blog. But, when I have to navigate through your page carefully so I don't press on an ad, I'll just click off your blog entirely.

3. What is your biggest shopping pet peeve?
People who go snail speed and you have no room to go around them. Really grinds my gears.

4. What is your biggest general pet peeve? 
I have two that I can't decide between. When people tell me how to do my job, especially complete strangers. Yeah, I have my job because I know how to do it, thanks though. And second, people who don't say thank you, please, etc. Especially when I sneeze. You better bless me or you will get dagger eyes. Ask my husband.

5. What is your most irrational fear?
Opening the front door. Seriously. I don't open it for anyone. If I'm home alone you can guarantee if I hear a knock on the door I will mute my tv and not move in fear of somebody looking through the window to see shadow movement. It's bad to the point where when I was younger I would literally drop to the floor when I heard somebody at the door and crawl to the nearest hiding spot. Helllllo, it could be an ax murderer and I've seen far too many horror movies to know what happens. So if you're coming over, let me know so I don't peg you as a killer. 


I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately. For some reason this week was just not inspiring at all. But, I've missed bloggerville and will be returning. Hope everybody's Sunday is just as fabulous as you are!

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