Dear Hunter // Three Months

I didn't get to post yesterday because my little angel was sick. This is the first time you've gotten sick and it breaks my heart. You have a yucky virus that is going around. You have a horrible little cough and a runny nose. No fever yet, and let's hope it stays that way. I couldn't get a smile from you when we were doing our pictures, but I understand you aren't feeling the best. You're still giving me smiles in the morning though. 

You absolutely love to talk. We can hold a conversation and it's so much fun. You are starting to show signs of teething. Your fists are almost always in that mouth of yours getting chewed on! You can hold your neck up for tummy time for quite awhile. You are so strong. It's been quite an improvement from last month! Swaddling isn't your favorite thing anymore. You usually wiggle your little arms free by the time you wake up. And you're still getting up every four hours at night. Growing boys have to eat! 

You are so alert and love to look at people. You've been just taking everything in and observing the world around you. It's amazing to watch you learn and discover new things. My little baby genius. You are always looking around and studying things. 

You just grew out of your 3 month clothing and are wearing 3-6 months or 6 months in Carters. And you are already in size 2 diapers! You are just growing like a little weed. It's very bittersweet. I love to watch you grow but you'll always be my baby. We don't have another doctors appointment until your 4 month appointment so I don't have your measurements for this month. I guess we will have to see just how much you've grown next month! 

LOVES // talking, looking at new things, your binky, cuddling and smiling in the morning (my favorite) 

HATES // being burped still at times, when your tummy hurts 

It's so fun watching you grow! Hunter, you're the light of my life. 

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Baby Haul

So I apologize for my lack of posts this week. I've been frustrated with the cloudy days because they make it very hard to take good photos. Especially because my house likes to let the least amount of light in as possible. I need to invest in a good light so that I don't have to worry about what the weather is outside. Any suggestions? I'm all for cheap yet good quality if you know of anything. Ignore the grain please on these photos. Sigh.

So I went to Target and Carter's today. I should be banned from both because I'm constantly spending money there on Hunter. Oops. Sorry not sorry. You can never have too many sleepers, am I right? And, socks. There is an even stronger vortex when it comes to baby socks going missing.

I also believe in swaddling my dear little munchkin. He seems to not sleep well without it and it's one of the things that gets him to calm down if he's crying uncontrollably for reasons I don't know of. (Currently though my little one is showing signs of teething... WHAT! You're only 12 weeks. Slow down, dude.) So I bought these two other swaddle blankets.

My target purchases include these pacifier wipes. I've been eyeing them and decided, what the heck they're only $3.99 and how handy will they be in the diaper bag? Extremely handy. I usually have his binkies clipped to his outfit, but sometimes I get lazy or accidents just happen. I've mentioned this Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Bath in my Baby Must Haves (0-2 months) post. I just love this stuff. It smells heavenly and had to buy some more. And, it was necessary to grab some teething items. These are fun and colorful, yet soft and have different textures to help soothe the gums while also help motor skills. Plus, they're cute. Hopefully he'll learn to chew on these instead of shoving his whole fist in his mouth. But he's cuter than a bug's ear (where does this saying come from, anyway?) so I let him do whatever he pleases.

This tummy time stuff is hard work, and we all know sticking out your tongue helps you focus.

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Easter 2015

Holidays are always extremely busy for my little family. We visit my grandparents on my mom's side with that whole family, grandparents on my dad's side, and then my in-laws. My husband and I are very family oriented and love to fit everybody in.

This year on Easter was so much fun having Hunter with us. He was definitely the perfect baby the entire day. We started off with my dad and that side of the family. We went to breakfast at Denny's. I got a philly cheesesteak omelette and it was SO delicious! Two of my favorite things in one. We went to their house after for a bit. We then went over to my mom's parent's to help out before everyone got there. Tom helped set things up while I held baby as he napped. We had lunch there at 2, and then at 4 we went over to Tom's parent's house. It made for a long day but Hunter was so good.

We had a lovely first Easter with our little dude.

Nonna and Hunter (my mom)

Nonna and Grandpa

Cutest Easter bunny I've ever seen!

Hope ya'll had a beautiful Easter Sunday! 

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Taking Stock 002

Here I am finally getting my Thursday post up. Better late than never though, right? These last couple days have been utter madness, so haven't had much time to get on the blog. I'm having a little lack of muse, so thought I would do another "taking stock" post. 

remembering / all that needs to be done 
trying / to not fall asleep
cooking / lots of chicken and steamed veggies as of lately! 
drinking / powerade
reading / nada
wanting / more sleep than i'm getting 
watching / gossip girl!
playing / trivia crack
deciding / what to wear tomorrow
wishing / for the warm weather to come back
planning / my day tomorrow
enjoying / peace and quiet
loving / my little handsome bundle of joy!!!
hearing / the shower running... must get in soon
needing / new vans, i've worn mine out 
smelling / hand soap
wearing / joggers
noticing / how fast hunter is growing
thinking / i should be asleep right now
imagining / moving and starting a new adventure
buying / lots and lots of formula
getting / tired, very tired
feeling / tired, so so tired (still)

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Hunter's Easter Presents

There isn't much you can really get for an almost 3 month old for Easter. But, I just couldn't resist getting him stuff. Especially things he can eventually grow into and use later on! So here is what I just had to buy our little man for Easter.

We got these little toy lawn mowers in at work and I immediately grabbed one. It's just too cute! It is a turtle and his shell opens up into a little storage compartment. He has a little gas can on the back, and when you pull the little handle "starter" it makes a lawn mower noise. I LOVE IT! I know he won't use it for awhile, but I couldn't resist.

Hunter is starting to get symptoms of teething. He's drooling, blowing bubbles, chewing on his hands constantly, and a little more fussier than usual. I didn't realize it would start this soon! I decided to get some things that would help out with that. The little hand and feet gel teethers are ones that you can put in the fridge or freezer for relief. I also got him another binky clip. The other teether is kind of like a binky. I thought he would like this because he loves his binkies so much! Which is why I got him some more binkies as well! I absolutely love the Mam pacifiers because they come with that little  container that you can fill with water and pop it in the microwave for 3 minutes to sterilize the nipple.

I saw this formula dispenser and thought it was a great idea to have in the diaper bag. It has three different sections, that can hold up to 9 oz in each. You just twist the top around and it has a hole to dispense the formula into a bottle. I definitely need one of these when we're on the go so I'm not packing around a huge container of formula that takes up half the bag!

We also had these at work. This is a little puzzle where you match the animal. I've never seen one that makes the noise of the animal when you place them into the right one! I also had to grab it, even though he won't use it for months down the road.

Next and finally are his little outfits. I went to Carter's and grabbed this little sleeper and bib that say "My First Easter" on them.

And, oh my goodness, if this isn't the cutest little outfit on Earth! He's going to be so so handsome on Sunday. I can't wait!

So there is what we got our little punkin for his very first Easter!

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