I didn't get to post yesterday because my little angel was sick. This is the first time you've gotten sick and it breaks my heart. You have a yucky virus that is going around. You have a horrible little cough and a runny nose. No fever yet, and let's hope it stays that way. I couldn't get a smile from you when we were doing our pictures, but I understand you aren't feeling the best. You're still giving me smiles in the morning though.
You absolutely love to talk. We can hold a conversation and it's so much fun. You are starting to show signs of teething. Your fists are almost always in that mouth of yours getting chewed on! You can hold your neck up for tummy time for quite awhile. You are so strong. It's been quite an improvement from last month! Swaddling isn't your favorite thing anymore. You usually wiggle your little arms free by the time you wake up. And you're still getting up every four hours at night. Growing boys have to eat!
You are so alert and love to look at people. You've been just taking everything in and observing the world around you. It's amazing to watch you learn and discover new things. My little baby genius. You are always looking around and studying things.
You just grew out of your 3 month clothing and are wearing 3-6 months or 6 months in Carters. And you are already in size 2 diapers! You are just growing like a little weed. It's very bittersweet. I love to watch you grow but you'll always be my baby. We don't have another doctors appointment until your 4 month appointment so I don't have your measurements for this month. I guess we will have to see just how much you've grown next month!
LOVES // talking, looking at new things, your binky, cuddling and smiling in the morning (my favorite)
HATES // being burped still at times, when your tummy hurts
It's so fun watching you grow! Hunter, you're the light of my life.
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