Dear Hunter // Five Months

Mister Hunter. You have certainly done a lot of growing up this month. I can only imagine how much you'll weigh and how tall you'll be at your 6 month appointment. This passed month has been a whole lot of fun. You've discovered your toes, and boy do you love them. And on June 1st you rolled over for the first time from back to belly! You love this new skill and do it as much as you can now. Especially during diaper changes. It's a challenge to dress and change you sometimes!

You think you're the cutest thing ever (i agree) and whenever you cry I can sit you up in front of the mirror and you'll just flirt with yourself. You'll smile and touch the mirror and it's so darn cute! You are mostly full of giggles and smiles these days. We got you an exersaucer and you absolutely love it! You we been spoiled enough to have one at our house and both your grandparents! Whenever you roll onto your belly, you get very excited and kick and pull yourself. At this rate you'll be crawling soon.

You had your first solid. You didn't like the rice cereal very much when we first tried it. I don't think you liked how long it took to get food, and you're pretty independent so the fact I wouldn't let you have the spoon didn't sit well. We tried a tiny bit of avocado which I think you liked, and you definitely liked pears! It's fun seeing you try new things. I can't believe just how fast you're growing. We have our first zoo trip planned for this weekend, and I'm hoping it will go through! I've learned since having you that all things must be played by ear depending on how you are that day and what is going on. I'm very excited to see if you'll like the animals! You have been teething like crazy and we have had a couple rough days when your poor little gums have hurt which is to be expected. I wish I could take that pain away. You are a drooling, chewing machine these days and are
 grabbing anything you can to stick in your mouth and bite on. On your cranky days when you don't want to go down for a nap, you'll cry and cry until I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. The sound really calms you down.

Currently you can still fit into 3-6 and 6 month onesies but have moved on to 9 month sleepers and shorts! You've also upgraded to 7 oz and are pretty much exclusively sleeping from between 8:30-9 pm to 7:30-8 am! Slow down there mister.

LOVES // rolling over, watching himself in the mirror, talking, his toes, chewing on EVERYTHING, and grabbing new things to figure them out

HATES // being rocked/swaddled when you're overtired, being burped in the middle of a bottle (STILLLLL), long car rides, and teething :(

I love you so much it's insane. And there are days I wish you would just stop growing and stay that age forever, but I also love seeing you learn so many new things. Watching you discover the world is my favorite thing these days.

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Dear Hunter // Four Months

I really failed and didn't put up his four month update. Since he's turning 5 months in 3 days (OH MY GOSH, WHAT), I figured I should probably put it up because I would regret it if I missed a month. So better late than never, and I promise myself I will be good about posting every month!

Your got over that yucky virus that lasted a couple weeks. It was horrible. It even resulted in our first Emergency Room visit because I was so terrified you weren't getting enough oxygen. Your breathing sounded horrible and it kept me up at night. I hated seeing you go through that and being so so sick. It really broke my heart. I prayed and prayed that I would get it and take it from you. Unfortunately, we both ended up with it and me getting it didn't exactly take it away from you. But, you got over it, and I'm so glad.

Your personality has developed so much and you're starting to be more aware of things around you. You're starting to grasp things easier and bring them to you. Which is good, because I think you're teething and I would love for you to chew on the teething stuff I got you. 

You are SO close to rolling over from your back on to your belly. It's so strange that you're backwards since most babies do the opposite. But, whatever works for you. I'm happy either way that you're developing! You are pretty much only waking up once a night to eat! It's so nice to be able to get that extra sleep. You are constantly kicking your legs around and dancing, it's so cute. You get so excited every time the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song plays. It's the cutest! You also laugh so hard and think it's the funniest thing when we get mad at the dogs. We have been trying to teach Drake to stay off the porch and we spray him with a water bottle to get him off and you crack up every single time. 

You are getting so big! You are wearing 3-6 month onesies still but need 6 month sleepers and pants. Skinny but so tall! You also moved up into size 3 diapers, and drinking 6 oz of formula every 4 hours or so. You can't make it much longer through the day, after all you're a growing boy! At the doctor's appointment you were 18.2 lbs and 27 inches long! That's up almost 10 pounds and 7 inches in four months! Holy cow, you're growing like a weed. 

LOVES // talking, trying to roll over, your fists in your mouth, grabbing things, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song, and kicking your legs

HATES // being burped when you want to keep eating (STILL), and being in the car for too long

It is so hard watching you grow so fast, but every new day is so fun to watch you grow and learn new things. 

Here are some pictures from throughout the month!

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