
These last few days have been extremely stressful. We spent all day Saturday and Sunday moving Tom. I wish I would have taken some before-and-after pictures, because holy crap, we worked our butts off. I'm so relieved though that we finally did it, and he's in the house we will be living in when we get married. The other place needed a lot of cleaning done to it, and fixing, and still needs a ton of work. But, thankfully we found one of Tom's friends to take over his lease. Him and his fiancé are so excited to move in, which makes me extremely happy.
Tom, and I also celebrated our one year anniversary yesterday. It's crazy to think in just two months we will be married!
These passed few months have been really stressful, and continue to be stressful. I will probably be stressed until the wedding, and then find something else to stress about after that...
(can I say stress one more time?)
I've been addicted to pinterest more than usual lately, getting ideas on how to decorate the new house and what to do with it. At least most of my stress (yes I can.) and anxiety is for good things to come.

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