For The Love Of...

I'm very excited to announce that we put our dogs in boot camp! They've actually been there for a week. It's just basic obedience training (iwasgettingtiredoftheirdestructionandmisbehaving). But, we got to see how well they are doing yesterday. OH MY LANTA. Let me tell you what, they are doing awesome. Especially Sarge!
Let me explain. Our dogs are pretty good dogs. But, they don't listen well. We could call and call for Sarge and he would completely ignore us. Drake is a shorthair so naturally they are easily distracted. SQUIRREL! We were looking forward to see what a weeks worth of work would do. And, I'm pleasantly surprised.
(I was kind of skeptical at first. I looked up reviews of the trainer after dropping them off and there was nothing but good comments! Phew.)
The trainer first takes one dog out at a time and we watch from a distance so they don't know that we're there or else they would have a heart attack I'm sure. Drake smelt us from the very beginning though so his performance wasn't up to par. Although, he prances around so cutely. Like, "Hey mom, dad. Look what I've learned!" It's pretty much the most adorable thing. And, he always looks at you as if he needs some confirmation that he's doing it right.
Sarge could smell us too but he did completely amazing. It was almost as if he was a different dog. One thing I was trying to teach both of the dogs was stay. Our trainer doesn't teach the word "stay" because he believes when you tell a dog to sit he better sit until you tell him okay. Which I love. There our dogs were. Sitting. And staying there. Until he called them over.
Finally we got to go out and work with Sarge. Drake was tired and he had worked him a little more because he was distracted which made the trainer work with him a bit more, so he decided to give him a break. It was the moment of all moments. We had set Sarge off to play by patting his head and saying, "okay". He ran off to go play with the trainers dog when I said, "Sarge, come!" That dog turned on a dime, and actually came to me.
-insert even BIGGER oogly eyes and say goodbye to my jaw-
I cannot wait to go back and see how much they've improved next week. Completely worth the money and I can't wait to have the furbabies back. I've missed them. But, slightly filled the void with a new little creature we call, Cosmo.

Can we just take a moment here to admire how freaking adorable this little guy is. I never pegged myself as a reptile person. In fact, they give me the heebies. But, little Cosmo here we got in at my work a couple weeks ago. I got the courage one day to pick him up, and instantly I was in love when he fell asleep on my hand. We got him a week later, and just... just look at this little gem!

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