I have three kids. All with four legs. Two with fur, one with scales. And, they are great. My husband and I love our animals. They all have different personalities, and they are beyond spoiled. We take our kids very seriously in the Hampton House.
This is our first baby. We got him when he was only four weeks old, was a tiny little munchkin and beyond adorable. He was the biggest of his litter, and now he's a skinny little thing. He is a German Shorthair Lab mix, but he definitely has all the qualities of a shorthair. Which is why he can be skinny while also being extremely healthy. He was born on 12/13/12. He's a hilarious dog. He has so much personality. He's very protective, yet very shy. He isn't comfortable around people and will bark out of fear, but once you're around him for some time he'll warm up to you. He's the same way with other dogs. It's something we've been working on! He is extremely active. He will play fetch with you for hours. Drake loves to sleep on the bed and be kissed goodnight. He is such a fast learner and is wiling to do whatever to please us. He's the oldest baby of the family.
Our second baby. We got him when he was around 3 months old. He's a German Shepherd Border Collie mix. He was born 1/14/13. His markings are incredibly beautiful. He's definitely a gorgeous dog. He's also very devious. He's a sneaky dog, but then proceeds to pretend he didn't do anything wrong. It's actually kind of hilarious. Sarge is very sweet, he is constantly smiling. He LOVES going to the dog park and playing with other dogs. With that said, he's our social butterfly. He gets along with people and dogs. He's very smart, but you have to mix things up with him or else he will get bored and get into trouble! Sarge isn't much into playing fetch. In fact he'll chase after it, and then ignore it. His playing is mostly wrestling with Drake.
Cosmo is our third baby. He is a leatherback Bearded Dragon. I was never really a reptile person until I started working at Zamzows, but now, I'm very into them. This little guy stole my heart the minute I picked him up and he fell asleep on my hand. He's a funny guy. Cosmo love strawberries, crickets, mealworms, and spinach. He is very curious, he likes to explore, but also likes to sleep on my shoulder. He loves baths, and being petted. Anything that moves, he tries to eat it. He constantly licks anything he's on. He is roughly a year old.
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You have two beautiful fur children and one really cool scale child!