I know I said I was going to get back into bloglandia, but I
have a great excuse. My laptop hates me. Literally. I got this horrible virus
from trying to download a zip file converter (DON’T DO IT), and since then,
even after getting rid of the virus, every time I’m on the internet about a
million ads pop up every five seconds. It leads to pulling my own hair out and
screaming. I’ve also been stumped on what to write about, but I found
something, so we’re switching to a serious note. The other day I came across a
video that broke my heart. It’s disturbing, raw, and most importantly,
necessary to see. If you aren’t comfortable watching the whole video though, I
encourage you to close your eyes and at least listen.
It’s a hard pill to swallow isn’t it? It honestly makes me
cry and my heart ache. I thought about just ending the post after showing the
video because it speaks volumes by itself, but I have a couple things to say
and ask. We are mainly guests on this earth. If you were to look at the world through
that aspect, would you change some of your habits? I know that alone, I can’t
change all of the horrible things happening in this world that are so
completely unnecessary for human survival. As much as I want to save this
planet, I can’t do it by myself. Think about the animals whose habitats are
being destroyed. They can’t speak for themselves. We are selfishly destroying
their homes, while consequently also destroying our own. So with that being
said I encourage you to make a small change, even if it’s just talking to one
person. Teaching them about what you just saw, the more people who are
self-aware, the more people who are banding together to make a global change,
the more likely it is to happen. Educate yourselves, your children, your
friends, and family about the dangers we are causing to the earth.
Sorry for the depressing post, it’s just something I’m very
passionate about. The love I have for every animal on this planet is more than
I can explain. Have a good evening everyone!