Fall Bucket List

It is fall ya'll! As you can see by my cute little Drakey all posed next to our front porch decor. I get too excited for holidays this time of year. Halloween, my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and then right after will be the birth of my little boy! The fall and winter are the happiest of months for me, and even though the weather may be cold it makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. (Cheesy much?)

Here is my fall bucket list. I plan to finish these things before the end of November. Some obviously have to be done before October is over, but ya know how it is. I am challenging myself to blog about finishing each of these items.

Drink apple cider; It makes my throat hurt for some odd reason, but it's just too delicious.

Buy new pumpkin and apple scented candles; Apple scent is seriously my favorite smell in the entire world. And everybody loves pumpkin.

Have a Halloween movie marathon and eat chinese food; Tom and I did this our first Halloween together so I would like to keep the tradition alive a little bit.

Go to the pumpkin patch; Because picking out a pumpkin to carve rates pretty high on my list of best things ever.

Carve said pumpkins; Tom and I are pros at this. At least, we think we are.

Go to a football game; Tom's cousin plays high school football, and football games are great. So I think we should go to one.

Make apple pie from scratch; I make some pretty dang delicious apple pie. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but... TOOT TOOT.

Go to a corn maze; What's a better feeling than overwhelming anxiety when you think you'll never make it out? That's right, nothing.

Make chili; One of my biggest pregnancy cravings has been chili. I'm even doing a chili bar at my baby shower. I love it, I love it, I love it.

Watch American Horror Story; Freakshow! Who's excited? I'm excited.

Read a book; Reading in the fall time, curled up by my non-existent fireplace? Pure bliss.

So there it is! What are some items on your fall bucket list!?

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