Dear Hunter // Seven Months

I fail as a blogger mom. Hunter is currently 8 1/2 months old and I have yet to post both his 7 month update AND his 8. I really have no excuse to be honest. So here I am posting this. I had wondered if it was even worth it to write these out, since it's been so long it's easy to forget where he was at. And, that's exactly why I'm posting this. Because I want to be able to look back and know.

Seven months, gosh it's flown by. You have become so independent. You are getting closer to crawling everyday it feels like. You are trying so hard to scoot yourself along. You are sitting up so well by yourself already, you barely fall over. You are always so happy and everybody loves you so much. I hear all the time how you are the cutest kid they've ever seen. I can't help but to believe them, because I think so too.

You love to play with toys and you're constantly sticking them in your mouth to figure them out. We went to the aquarium for the first time and it was so much fun! You loved to see all the fish and the reptiles that they had. I will have to make a post with all the pictures, because it was a really fun time with us and your grandparents. You observe things and study them so carefully, it's fun to watch you discover the world.

You officially have two little teeth! They are so cute! You are wearing 12 month clothes pretty exclusively. Although you can still squeeze into 9 month onesies and shirts still. You LOVE to eat. There are some people food you can eat well, but for the most part we stick to pureed fruits and vegetables. There hasn't been anything you've tried that you haven't liked!! It's crazy. You absolutely love bananas, bread, sweet potatoes, puff snacks, and yogurt. It's fun to have you try new things and see how you like them. This video is of you eating french toast. You loved it, and were really thinking about the flavor I think. And, then you saw the camera and totally turned on the charm. Cutest. Thing. EVER!

We are still co-sleeping and I think it's going to be almost harder on me to break this. I love cuddling you and being close to you at night. In the mornings its so nice to wake up to your smiling face, you pulling my hair, and grabbing my nose. But, I know that sometime soon, at least before you're a year old we need to start crib training you. It will be best for the whole family. You have horrible sleeping habits and can't sleep alone, and it's hard on everybody. Although, we all enjoy holding you and cuddling you.

LOVES // bath time, eating, animals, playing and toys, rolling and moving around

HATES // sleeping alone, the car being stopped when you're tired, teething, getting stuff taken away from you

You make me feel over the moon, on cloud nine, and completely so in love! I can't wait to watch you grow and learn new things. Although, I'm a bit terrified for you to learn to crawl! Let the baby-proofing begin!

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