Dear Hunter // Eight Months

Again, I'm two weeks late on this thing. But better late than never.

Eight months. E-I-G-H-T months. I have a hard time realizing that in just 4 short months you'll be O-N-E Y-E-A-R-S O-L-D. Where has the time gone? Honestly though. You just amaze me everyday with all the things you learn everyday and how curious you are about everything. 

In this last short month we went on your first mini-vacation. We went to McCall on our family reunion like we do every year. It was a semi-rough trip because you were teething and you now have three bottom teeth! We went to the lake for the first time. You absolutely love the water and just kick your feet in it. You also love to play (and try to eat!) the sand. You rode on your first jet ski for like 30 seconds before you started to cry and want to be back on shore with me. You tried your first bite of ice cream also! You may be addicted later on in life because you just wanted to eat my whole ice cream cone. We had a fun little four day trip there, and I'm super excited for next year to go again and see how much you love to run around and be in the water when you're actually independent. 

You have since learned to crawl. After our McCall trip on August 17, you started getting brave and using your knees. And now, you are cruising all over the place and really fine tuning it. You get into everything! You can sit up from crawling, and you try walking when we have you balanced on your feet. You like to pull yourself up onto stuff so you're standing. Especially on the coffee table to grab all the coasters. I think you might be an early walker. Lord, help us now. You are ALL boy. It's so incredible to see you growing up into such an incredible little boy. I couldn't love you more. 

Still co-sleeping here. But, I think we're getting closer to making a transition. You still can't fall asleep unless you're in my arms. And you're constantly curled up next to me at night. You've become extremely dependent on me when it comes to getting and staying to sleep. We want to get you to a place where you can soothe yourself so we don't have troubles five years down the road with you not being able to sleep on your own.

LOVES // being in the water, swings, playing with toys, eating, crawling all over and getting into things

HATES // when you pick him up while he's on a mission, being alone, and taking naps (he doesn't want to miss out on anything)

I love you little munchkin. You make my heart a puddle. You bring the light to my life. I'm looking forward to this upcoming holiday season and fall time with you. Pumpkin picking, Halloween, Thanksgiving, mom's birthday, Christmas, and then you'll be ONE! 

You can also find me on these other social media sites!

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