Somebody pinch me... I honestly cannot even fathom how fast this has gone by. You're now learning words and developing such a funny and sweet personality. You are seriously SO sweet. You still love to be cuddly and it melts my heart when you hug or kiss me on a whim. Melts my heart into a puddle, every single time I tell ya. I always think it isn't possible for me to love you more, and then another day goes by and my heart grows more and more fond of you. I simply cannot imagine my life without you in it, and I wonder constantly how I went on so long without you.

I'm so excited for the holidays. I'm sure you're going to LOVE thanksgiving because you are in love with eating. Seriously, you can eat. You always need to have what I'm having and you're getting too busy for your bottles. You can't sit still (except for the one right before bed) to finish it. Sometimes it takes you 30-45 minutes to finish one because you have to take little play/explore time. It can get frustrating, but it really is adorable how interested you are in learning about your surroundings. You know what "no" means, although you can be pretty stubborn. Sometimes when you are crawling somewhere you know you're not supposed to and you hear me getting up to come get you, you crawl faster and giggle. It makes me laugh every time without fail. You honestly just have the cutest personality. Any time you see dogs or cats (or any animal really) you squeal and kick your legs. You completely love animals.

You love playing and sometimes you are pretty independent and then like a flip of a switch you can become super clingy and just want to be held. You are such a mama's boy, I really do love it. I miss you and am always thinking about you during the day when you're not around. Wondering what you're doing. You have said a couple "one-time" words. You've said "uh-uh" when Elijah (your first real play-date friend) took one of your toys. You've said "kitty" in reference to a picture on the doctor's office wall and even about your favorite kitty, Missy! "Whoa" has been said a couple times too. It's mostly just gibberish nonsense right now. Very very cute gibberish nonsense. You love your stuffed animals, especially your moose and your brand new elk we got you on our trip to Baker City. Any time you see a stuffed animal you grab it and cuddle it. You sleep every night with your moose, and when I check on you in the night you're never far from it or it's wrapped in your arms.

We have you on a pretty good schedule right now. You are sleeping through the night and getting much better at napping. You still don't like them usually, but they are getting better. Bath time is your favorite, you love to splash around. We share bananas together, you take tiny bites off of them. It's pretty cute. I'm just loving this stage you're at, and not wanting it to end.

I need to find a pause button quick.

LOVES // bath time, cars (you make buzzing noises for them!!), your moose, animals, books, FOOOOOD

HATES // diaper changes (who has time for that anyway, right?), having stuff taken away from you that you're not supposed to have, dogs barking

I just want to bottle these memories up and keep them forever. You are my best little friend Hunter Michael Hampton, I love you for eternity.

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