I Can't Leave A Dog In Need

This is Diah. I didn't know her name until about 10 o'clock last night. She was running outside my work yesterday, and we live by a really busy road. We brought her inside and put her in one of the crates they had in the grooming area. Animal Control was called and they said they couldn't pick her up until the morning. She would have been in that crate for 14 hours without food, water, or potty breaks and would be alone, scared, and confused. So naturally, I took her home. My heart would break if I didn't do something to help her. I know if my dogs were in her position I would want someone to do the same. The first picture was when I went to get her from the crate. Her face was so sad and scared. The second one is from in my car taking her to my house, much happier. She was such a sweetheart. I put her on Craigslist in hopes her family would find her on there and call me, and they did! I was so happy that I was able to take her home and make her feel loved until her family could get her again.

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  1. That's a wonderful story. I hope that someone like you would find Daisy if she ever got out. :-)
