First Trimester Must Haves

Can you believe your eyes? Three posts in three days. I'm just as surprised as you are. I promised some pregnancy related posts, and here is the first one! First trimester must haves. The first trimester is the worst, ask any mom. Of course, this is my first pregnancy, but I'll take their word for it. I found out I was pregnant when I was about 5 weeks. I knew I was pregnant before taking the test when I had to run to the bathroom to throw up. I never throw up, so I knew. I had "morning sickness" for about 4 weeks, and I am one of the lucky ones. Morning sickness lasts all day, just so you know, it's a cruel joke to call it that. I was nauseous all day long, throwing up randomly, and always hungry but never wanting to eat. The consistent nausea stopped around 9 weeks for me. At times even recently, I'll just need to throw up. I get it over with, and I'm good to go again. I'm currently 14 weeks, and so that means I'm into my second semester. Here are some of the things that kept me alive the last 14 weeks, and some still continue to do so!

1. What To Expect When You're Expecting; This book has seriously just about everything you need to know about and answers most questions you have. It's something that my mother-in-law suggested and read every pregnancy, and I can see why!

2. Lip Balm; I don't know if it's just been me, but my lips are ridiculously chapped, like out of this world chapped. I can't seem to get them hydrated for the life of me. In order for me to get by, I'm constantly applying lip balm.

3. Prenatal Vitamins; Take them at night! Or else you might get sick to your stomach.

4. Body Pillow; Any kind of body pillow works, seriously. The ones that wrap all around you or just one like this. It makes me so comfy and I snuggle that thing all night long.

5. Ritz Crackers; Most people suggest saltines. I started off with saltines, and if you eat saltines in your soup just trust my word on this and find another cracker. I was up in the middle of the night, starving and nauseous, shoving saltines in my mouth and crying. It's not a pretty picture, and the thought of them makes me queazy. They make your mouth dry, and they aren't the best tasting alone. Trust me, get Ritz or Club or something!

6. Water; Drink lots of water all the time or else you'll find yourself extremely dehydrated out of nowhere and hate yourself. At the beginning I couldn't drink water without it making me want to vomit. If you're in the same position add fresh fruit to your water. The possibilities are endless, and the taste will dramatically change your feelings about staying hydrated.

7. Comfortable Clothes; Shirts, pants, bra. Find stuff that is comfortable. After awhile you'll feel your clothes getting tighter. And let's face it, your boobs are getting bigger and so are your hips. So find comfortable clothes and wear them.

8. Gum; My mouth gets extremely dry, especially when I drink water. I'm not sure why, but this is how I fix it.

So there you go! These are things that have been helping me. If you're a mommy or feeding for two, what were your first trimester must haves?

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  1. My favorite pregnancy book was Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. SO GREAT!

  2. yay pregnancy posts :):):) My sister has the what to expect book, i read it sometimes haha even though i'm not pregnant :( (maybe next year haha) love the eos lip balm and adore the owl water container :) so cute!! Are you going to find out if its a boy or girl? or keep it a surprise..we are going to a 4D baby place august 25th to find out the sex of my sisters baby and I'm so insanely excited lol

    xx A
