Valentines Date Ideas

Call me crazy, but I absolutely love Valentine's Day. For no reason at all even. Maybe, it's because I love holidays, but regardless, I love it. This year I have no idea what my hubs and I are going to do, but I got him a gift that I think is pretty neat. I bought Why I Love You: A Journal of Us from Barnes and Noble. (You can also order it from Walmart here.) It is a journal completely dedicated to your relationship, and you're the author! This is a great gift that you can either fill out by yourself and give it to them to read, or fill it out together.

I've come up with some Valentine's date ideas below, whether you have that special someone or not, it's an excuse to get out of the house and celebrate L-O-V-E. If you're single get a group together, no shame in trying some of these ideas out with some friends.

  • Go ice skating and go for pizza afterwards
  • Go to an aquarium and look at all the fascinating sea creatures
  • If you're lucky enough for it to be warm out; go to a picnic in a remote location with a great view
  • Bundle up and go on a nature walk
  • Find a place to go horseback riding
  • Find somewhere with live music that you both would enjoy
  • Get traditional: there is nothing wrong with dinner and a movie!
  • Go to a hockey game
  • Hit up the alley and get your bowl on
  • Race to the finish line with a little go-cart competition
  • Spend a day in the mountains with your sweetie and the snow - you could even go snowboarding or skiing
  • Curl up next to a fire, under a blanket, and enjoy a home-cooked meal you made together and watch a romantic comedy
  • Go to the store and gather up your favorite toppings, then go home and make sundaes
  • Have a game night at home - you could even invite over another couple for a double date night
  • Challenge yourself and make a pizza you'll both enjoy in the shape of a heart
  • Send each other on a scavenger hunt with a surprise at the end!

What do you plan on doing this Valentine's Day?

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DIY: Personalized Coasters!

For Christmas this year I really struggled with what I was getting my mom. I like to do things that are personable and homemade. This year I decided to make her homemade coasters. And, here's how I did it.

What You'll Need:
  • Mod Podge (glossy or matte depending on what kind of style you're going for)
  • 4x4 tiles (I bought mine from Lowe's last minute - this gift was done two days before Christmas, if you're doing this for a gift I suggest starting a couple weeks early! I'll tell why down below*)
  • Pictures cut down to 4x4
  • Sandpaper (optional)
  • Sponge brush
  • Small felt pads (like the ones used for the bottom of stools, tables, etc.
  • Credit Card (optional)

  1. I printed my pictures out at a standard 5x7 because I didn't find a place that could do them any smaller, I then cut my pictures down to 4x4. I used pictures that wouldn't cut off the subject so this was fine, I suggest doing the same! If you are wanting to do a polaroid look cut the pictures down to about 3.25x3.75"
  2. Next put Mod Podge on the back of your photo with the sponge brush, and place it on the top of your tile. This is where the credit card comes in. Get any bubbles out with the card or something like it. Be careful, it will be slick and you also don't want to ruin the quality of your picture.
  3. LET IT DRY. I let mine dry for a good 30 minutes, which seemed fine.
  4. Then apply the top coat. Even strokes, all in the same direction. It dries clear for those who don't know, so don't freak out like my husband did!
  5. LET IT DRY. For this coat I would say to let it dry for 45 minutes to an hour.
  6. Now, your sandpaper comes in. I weathered the edges with the sandpaper to give it a more authentic look. NOTE: if you got black tiles, I suggest skipping this step. It doesn't look as nice. I learned from experience, don't make the same mistake I did!
  7. Another top coat, like four-five more times. Letting them dry between each. This is why the process takes so long and should be done days/weeks before hand if it's a gift. This is not a project for the impatient!
  8. The final step was putting the felt pads on the bottom. I put four on each corner. They help with sliding and also not ruining the furniture you'll be using the coasters on.
And, your finished! You have personalized coasters! I will be making some of my own hopefully here soon. I have a new idea I would love to try out!
IMPORTANT! Also, with drying time, after the last coat let it dry for ONE WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK before putting a drink on it. It will put a circle on your coaster. And, you will be sad.
*Look around for tile that you like! I got chunky, expensive tile that I didn't like. I did this gift last minute so I didn't really have a choice. Get some tile that is thin, you will like it much better.

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I Want To See The World

Lately, I've been reading blogs about expats. Truth is, I'm extremely green with envy that they are able to travel so much and live abroad. My wanderlust is at an ultimate high lately. Although Tom and I are in situation where it would be near impossible to travel anywhere besides across town for groceries, I am hoping that someday we will get our chance. As I dream of vacations far away in beautiful places, I have compiled a list of the top three places I will try very hard to see before I die.

1. Italy

Picture from Pinterest

Tom is Italian, and he so badly wants to see Italy before he dies! I don't blame him either, it's gorgeous and so full of history. I have always wanted to see it as well. Especially Venice. (I've heard it's dirty. Is it true?)

2. Germany
Picture from Pinterest

My dad's side of the family is originally from Germany. I think Germany is such a fascinating place so rich of history. I'm sorry to sound so redundant, but honestly. With everything that has taken place there, it just seems like such an amazing place to go to and learn. Not to mention it's gorgeous.

3. Ireland
Picture from Pinterest

I think Irish accents are some of the coolest accents in the world. Don't ask me why, but they just are. I've always had some sort of fascination with the Irish culture. It would be such a great experience to actually go there and indulge in that fascination.

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The Joyus Dog Park Days

Drake has always been a little hellion. Around people - particularly men, kids, other dogs, you name it. He barks, growls, shackles rise to the heavens, and he backs away slowly saying, "I will probably, probably not, bite you if you put your hand on my head or sniff my butt again you mongrel." Okay skinny Shorthair, you're hardly scary knock it off. With that said, he's never bit anyone. He's just shy and timid, and untrustworthy towards things that are not his things. Aka his people.
It's been an ongoing struggle since he was a puppy. Six weeks old in a pet store and woman tries to pet the little turd and he runs away like we beat him severely. It's embarrassing. It's like having one of those kids, in a fancy restaurant that keep screaming, "ME NO LIKE PEAS." Bangs fist on table like Tarzan. And, the poor parents look around giving that look of, "he doesn't normally act like this." While they say, "youaregoingtogetaspankingrightnowifyoudon'tstop." through clenched teeth. That's me. With a dog. It's mostly towards men, he just isn't social. It's been an ongoing struggle. One that makes me want to leave the premises as soon as it starts. It also makes me wonder what we did to cause this behavior to happen, and if at one year old, we can fix it.
Sarge on the other hand, is probably a little too friendly. He'll jump in your face and lick your makeup/beard off if you let him. Don't, though. It's not okay. Thank you. So when we take them to places I have to tell people. "You can ride the black one around like a little pony but don't touch the brown one." Where does a dog come off acting like this? They were both raised socialized, we take our dogs to the dog park about once a week, even still here in January. (Which the weather in Idaho is glorious right now if I do say so myself.)
Well, today, I think we may have had a tiny break through with Drake. They both came to work with me to get groomed. Upon entering the grooming area, Drake tried with all his strength to not go with strange lady in scary coat. He didn't bark or growl at the dogs that put their nose in his face and he went straight into the crate. And, I didn't hear a peep out of him the entire time. Sarge on the other hand was very vocal. Which kind of surprised me since it's usually the opposite. After I got off work, I decided to brave it up and take my $70 groomed dogs to the dog park in hopes they didn't get dirty. It worked, a little. Anything for the kids, right?
When we got there I crossed my fingers Drake wouldn't make a scene. Sarge plays well with the other dogs, and Drake's usually all business. He would play ball with you for hours if you let him. He will keep going until his legs don't go anymore. I didn't have a ball today, oops. Naturally, he was forced to play with other dogs. He didn't. But, he did let them smell him and he smelt them. And, he pranced around people happily and actually got close to them. If they put their hands down to pet him he would run away. BUT, PROGRESS PEOPLE, LOOK AT THE PROGRESS.
It gives me hope that even with his age, we can still break him of that habit, even a little bit. Tomorrow will be day two. It will be the first time in almost a year he meets his brother again. (My best friend got one when I did.) My fingers AND toes are crossed for tomorrow. Cross yours too.

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The Power

Those who know me know that I'm not very religious. I was raised LDS. My family is LDS, and as a teenager I found myself drifting off away from the church and wanting to be a "normal" teenager. I say this without having any regrets of doing so, because I believe that in doing that I found myself a lot sooner and possibly even came out of it a better person. I am a strong believer when it comes to teenagers who are forced into a way of life have a bigger chance of straying completely off the course than those who had somewhat of a say in it. For that, I thank my parents for. Even if they were disappointed or didn't agree with my choices they still didn't force me and they did their best to support me and my decisions. They always tried. When Sunday morning rolled around they always brought up, "Hey let's go to church." I denied, and went on with my day. Regardless, I turned out alright.
As I get older, religion and having a close personal relationship with God is something that I've become more interested in. I see the people who are devoted to living their lives righteously and they reap the benefits of doing so. It's not something I can do over night, and I'm not so sure if I want to be part of any religion/church (at least not yet), but being close to God doesn't mean going to church every Sunday. It's something you build up in your home, and the way you display yourself in other people's presence. Anyway, the point of this post has been the power of prayer.
Tom and I have really been struggling with him not having a job. Each day that passes our hope gets a little bit smaller, and our strength a little bit withered. This morning I prayed on my way to work that he would find a job soon, so that we could get out of this funk and move on with our lives. Hours passed by and I may have gotten the answers to that very prayer. A man I work with mentioned a security job that was open. I had Tom look it up, and they are exactly what he's looking for since he's already qualified being a former correctional officer. I am trying not to get my hopes up too high, because life happens and sometimes we don't always get our way. But, this definitely boosted our hopes higher than they've been for weeks. And, I'm hoping this really is the answer to my prayers.

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Being An Adult... SUCKS

I have been pondering back and forth on if I should even write about this topic, mostly because if I do I am admitting defeat. Here I am, waving my white flag for all to see, and I'm surrendering my thoughts.
I hate being a grown up.

I never realized how hard it is to be a full-time worker, student, wife, and care-giver. Especially when life turns it's back on you and makes me the spouse that is making the income. Tom lost his job about a month ago, and yes, we got two pay checks after they let him go. But, with the holidays it was gone in a matter of days. It really shook our world a little, and mostly tested our marriage.
Money is the single most fought about thing in marriages, this held true to ours as well. We never questioned our marriage, but it definitely put a strain on it. It still is. Tom found a new job, it doesn't pay as much as we need or what he used to make, but at this point we were pretty desperate for anything.
With that said, bills piled up, fights occurred, tears were shed, reality strolled right in to my life uninvited and brought depression along. It has been an extremely hard month for us. I've been moodier than ever lately, which of course didn't help with the bickering. There has just been an enormous amount of stress on us.
So, there you have it. Being an adult totally sucks. Bills are the devil. And, even though it was a really rough time for me and Tom, both as individuals and husband and wife, I'm glad they have been with him. No matter what he's my rock, even when I feel like throwing one at him. Now, that's true love.

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Christmas and New Years.

I absolutely love the holidays. Although, it was stated half otherwise in my last post. When they're over I just countdown the days until next year. December is full of a lot of stuff that happens. Drake's birthday was on the thirteenth, and he turned one years old... This displeases me in so many ways. I made pupcakes for him though. He loved them, Sarge loved them, and they were a hit for some of my co-workers dogs. So that makes me happy.