I Want To See The World

Lately, I've been reading blogs about expats. Truth is, I'm extremely green with envy that they are able to travel so much and live abroad. My wanderlust is at an ultimate high lately. Although Tom and I are in situation where it would be near impossible to travel anywhere besides across town for groceries, I am hoping that someday we will get our chance. As I dream of vacations far away in beautiful places, I have compiled a list of the top three places I will try very hard to see before I die.

1. Italy

Picture from Pinterest

Tom is Italian, and he so badly wants to see Italy before he dies! I don't blame him either, it's gorgeous and so full of history. I have always wanted to see it as well. Especially Venice. (I've heard it's dirty. Is it true?)

2. Germany
Picture from Pinterest

My dad's side of the family is originally from Germany. I think Germany is such a fascinating place so rich of history. I'm sorry to sound so redundant, but honestly. With everything that has taken place there, it just seems like such an amazing place to go to and learn. Not to mention it's gorgeous.

3. Ireland
Picture from Pinterest

I think Irish accents are some of the coolest accents in the world. Don't ask me why, but they just are. I've always had some sort of fascination with the Irish culture. It would be such a great experience to actually go there and indulge in that fascination.

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