The Power

Those who know me know that I'm not very religious. I was raised LDS. My family is LDS, and as a teenager I found myself drifting off away from the church and wanting to be a "normal" teenager. I say this without having any regrets of doing so, because I believe that in doing that I found myself a lot sooner and possibly even came out of it a better person. I am a strong believer when it comes to teenagers who are forced into a way of life have a bigger chance of straying completely off the course than those who had somewhat of a say in it. For that, I thank my parents for. Even if they were disappointed or didn't agree with my choices they still didn't force me and they did their best to support me and my decisions. They always tried. When Sunday morning rolled around they always brought up, "Hey let's go to church." I denied, and went on with my day. Regardless, I turned out alright.
As I get older, religion and having a close personal relationship with God is something that I've become more interested in. I see the people who are devoted to living their lives righteously and they reap the benefits of doing so. It's not something I can do over night, and I'm not so sure if I want to be part of any religion/church (at least not yet), but being close to God doesn't mean going to church every Sunday. It's something you build up in your home, and the way you display yourself in other people's presence. Anyway, the point of this post has been the power of prayer.
Tom and I have really been struggling with him not having a job. Each day that passes our hope gets a little bit smaller, and our strength a little bit withered. This morning I prayed on my way to work that he would find a job soon, so that we could get out of this funk and move on with our lives. Hours passed by and I may have gotten the answers to that very prayer. A man I work with mentioned a security job that was open. I had Tom look it up, and they are exactly what he's looking for since he's already qualified being a former correctional officer. I am trying not to get my hopes up too high, because life happens and sometimes we don't always get our way. But, this definitely boosted our hopes higher than they've been for weeks. And, I'm hoping this really is the answer to my prayers.

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