(As of Friday on March 13) It's already been two months since I first met you, and I can't imagine how I lived without you before. You are getting your own little personality now, and are pretty much all smiles. Which is such a change from before when you were pretty fussy at times. I've loved this last month and getting to see you reach new milestones. Your head strength is incredible when you're held. When you're on your tummy you still have a hard time lifting your head sometimes, but we've got plenty of time for that!
Unlike last month your all smiles during your diaper changes usually! And, you love bath time now! And, unless you're really overtired you don't cry in your carseat anymore. You coo and talk to me, and I swear my heart just soars every time. You're pretty much exclusively sleeping in your bassinet now. Sometimes in the early morning around 5 or 6 a.m. I'll bring you in bed with me if you get cranky, it helps calm you when you're close to me.
Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to and as hard as I tried, I had to quit breastfeeding you. There were so many factors in me making this very difficult decision, but overall you seem to be doing better. It still makes me upset when I think about it, but I'm just thankful that we could do it for 6 weeks, since some mom's can't at all. Since we stopped, your colic has gotten much better and you seem to be happier, which is all I can ask for. Plus, going back to work it's been a weight off my shoulders not having to pump. I hated pumping!
Speaking of going back to work, I've done better than I thought I would. Although, I had a rough day on Friday and cried many times throughout the day. There are just times I can't stop thinking of you and missing you. Your Nonna and Gigi trade off babysitting you throughout the week. I'm so thankful that they are able to watch you so I don't have to hand you off to somebody I don't know. To be honest, if they weren't able to, I would quit my job. I can't stomach the thought of a stranger raising you when I'm not around.
You're wearing 3 month clothes now, and working your way to 3-6 month clothes. You're breaking my heart by doing this, by the way. I look back at the newborn clothes and can't believe just a month ago you could fit in those tiny things! You are officially 13 lbs 8 oz and 24 1/2 inch long!
LOVES // still
loving being swaddled (you can't sleep well without it), talking, bath time, your swing finally (yay!), eating, when dad plays classical music in the car for you, looking around
HATES // when you get gassy :(, to be burped sometimes, taking your bottle away to burp you when you're hungry
I can't wait to see your personality develop even more my sweet boy! I just love you so.
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