(As of November 11, 2018) One month already? Time really does fly. You have such a good older brother. I can't wait to watch the bond you two will have as time goes on. You are really such a good baby. You sleep almost all night long only waking up once or twice to eat and going right back to sleep. You sleep so well in your bassinet, although in the early mornings I will lay you next to me because I just love to be close to you like I did your brother. I just love you both so much, I didn't know it was possible. 

You absolutely L-O-V-E your hair being washed and baths in general. I had to stop breastfeeding much much earlier than I wanted to. My incision got infected and they put me on three different antibiotics which aren't safe in combination to take while I'm nursing. I was pumping and dumping but my supply dropped so dramatically it was just too difficult to build back up. I regret not trying harder for you. But, you are truly thriving on formula, so I guess that's okay. 

Lincoln, you are so independent and sweet. You aren't as cuddly as your brother and I truly think you'll be our little quiet observer of the family. You kind of just sit back and take everything in. You are so chill and don't cry too much. Unless you are eating and we try and burp you, that gets you pretty upset. You aren't a big fan of tummy time. And, you like being swaddled, but not too tightly because you wiggle your hands free after awhile. I'm so lucky to be able to spend the first three months of your life with you and your brother. I wasn't as lucky after having him. 

You and your brother are almost the exact same size. You're right around 10 lbs of pure chunky cuteness and you're still wearing newborn clothes. Your hair is my favorite thing to brush, and it is SO soft. You were born with angel kisses on your forehead and they are so cute. A lot of people say that going from one to two kids is tough, I've honestly been so lucky because it's been effortless. There have been a few things we've had to change in our routine obviously, but it's been like you've always been here almost. I'll be honest, I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to love someone as much as I love Hunter. But, the moment I saw you, my heart grew twice as big and my fears disappeared instantly. I love you so much, and I'm so lucky I get to be your mom and watch you grow.

LOVES // eating, your bassinet, your brother, soft blankets, bath time and getting your hair brushed, and looking around

HATES // the rock-n-play, your car seat, dirty diapers, tummy time, and being burped

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