(As of January 11, 2019) THREE. MONTHS. OLD. It's going by way too fast little bear. You are smiling all the time and get so excited when you see people. Your little legs and body go crazy, it's the cutest thing! We celebrated your first Christmas this year and you got some pretty great things! You are absolutely in love with your play mat. You grab the little dangling toys and hang on and kick your feet on the piano. You've also started a little bit of teething. You are drooling quite a bit and found that your fists are pretty great to chew on. And, the occasional finger of mine.


(As of December 11, 2018) You are two months old! You are starting to smile now and coo a lot. It's the sweetest little sound ever! I looked at the date today and seriously couldn't believe that two months had already gone by. You are still such an amazing sleeper and only wake up once a night. It's been such a difference this time around. I feel so lucky to get as much sleep as I do. I don't mind waking up with you at all, sometimes I'm even the one waking YOU up to feed you and hold you. I just feel so blessed that you're here. I know a lot of women would do anything to have a child wake them up in the middle of the night, but aren't able to. So I cherish every second of night time feedings with you. It's one of my favorite parts of my day. 

You like to be held a lot which makes some things hard to do. The moby wrap has been a life saver. We use it to go grocery shopping, to cook, do dishes, vacuum, you name it. The second you're in there and close to me, you're content with life. 


(As of November 11, 2018) One month already? Time really does fly. You have such a good older brother. I can't wait to watch the bond you two will have as time goes on. You are really such a good baby. You sleep almost all night long only waking up once or twice to eat and going right back to sleep. You sleep so well in your bassinet, although in the early mornings I will lay you next to me because I just love to be close to you like I did your brother. I just love you both so much, I didn't know it was possible. 

You absolutely L-O-V-E your hair being washed and baths in general. I had to stop breastfeeding much much earlier than I wanted to. My incision got infected and they put me on three different antibiotics which aren't safe in combination to take while I'm nursing. I was pumping and dumping but my supply dropped so dramatically it was just too difficult to build back up. I regret not trying harder for you. But, you are truly thriving on formula, so I guess that's okay.