Easter Sunday + Sunday Social

The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. ~Bern Williams
I absolutely love holidays. Anytime I get together with my family is a happy day. I love seeing my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, everybody. We get together, eat, have a wonderful time. This year was no different. My grandma's apple tree was in full bloom and I'm absolutely in love with how it looks. I definitely may or may not have cut off branches and now have them in a vase on my kitchen table. (I do) I love fresh flowers! Me love spring.

I'm going to link up for Sunday Social today. So here we go!

1. 5 songs you’ll listen to the rest of your life;
Better Together - Jack Johnson
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities
The Lumineers - This Song
Lorde's entire Pure Heroine album (cheating I know.)
Ghostland Observatory - Sad, Sad City

2. 5 things on your bucket list;
Light the Night Walk for my mom, lose weight, cage dive with sharks, travel to Europe, buy a house.
You can find my 22 Before 22 list here!

3. 5 celebs you’d love to hang out with for a day;
Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Aniston, Liam Hemsworth, Johnny Depp, and Sandra Bullock.

4. 5 things you always carry in your purse;
Wallet, chapstick, gum, lotion, and keys.

5. 5 books on your reading list;
I just want to read the Harry Potter series.

Happy Easter from this dysfunctional family duo!

Take a moment to follow me on these social media sites! 


  1. I absolutely love your necklace!

  2. Better together is a great pick. I LOVE that song and always will! -Bri from Simple Delights

    1. Me too! I think of my hubby every time it comes on. Definitely love it.

  3. Hello, Stopping by from the Sunday Social. The Harry Potter Series is amazing, but so hard to put down. Be sure to be ready to commit lots of time. Hope you had a great Easter!
