Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

Sorry for the horrible quality. Front iPhone camera for ya.
If you read in some earlier posts, I mentioned getting a new job as Pet Room Manager. Basically I order animals, anything from snakes to hamsters, sell them, and most of the time just take care of them. With that being said, I'm pretty much comfortable around reptiles that the ordinary Joe would be squeamish of. Let it be known though, I don't do tarantulas. Once the two I have in my pet room right now are sold, they will be the last.

The main purpose of this post is how I stepped outside of my comfort zone. The store I worked at before was great. The people were awesome, and I honestly made some lifelong friends there. I was comfortable and happy there as a cashier, but to be honest, I was bummed that I didn't get to work in the pet room at that particular store. Especially when my good friend Rachael, who was in charge of it left. I guess that's what I get for assuming the position was mine. They hired someone else, to everyone's surprise. Turns out my manager was trying not to hurt someone else's feelings. (If you ask me, that's a horrible manager quality, but maybe I'm just bitter.)

Anyway, another pet room management position opened up at another store owned by the company. I was iffy on applying, but I did anyway. I heard some not so great things about the manager of the store, but I took my chances, and here I am. At that store, with that manager, and I am feeling uncomfortable. I have mixed feelings about the manager so far, but he seems to be a nice fella if you do your job. It was only my second day on the job, but I'm sad. I miss my people, I miss my old store. I have never been one who does well with new things. I am a great people person. Give me a customer, and I won't let them leave without a smile on their face. That's just who I am. But, going into a new job, not knowing anyone is hard. You see them everyday, unlike the customer who you deal with for only a little part of your day. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm there to keep the animals healthy and happy. That's it. Everything else will fall into place, and friendships will be made if that's what's meant to be.

Please forgive me if I start speaking in parseltongue. It just means that I interact with reptiles more than humans.

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