Five On Friday

I debated whether or not to write my Five on Friday post, and decided that I would regret it if I didn't. Technically it's Saturday, but shh. It's not the next day until you fall asleep and wake up.

(one) Easter is probably one of my favorite holidays. I love holidays in general, but any holiday that my whole family gets together at my grandparents are always my favorites. My grandma makes the best strawberry cake that I wait for the entire year. It's probably the most amazing thing ever. For reals. I'm excited for Sunday. This picture was on Easter a couple years ago, it's of me, my cute grandpa in bunny ears, and my sister.

(two) I got my nails done even though I swore I was going to give them a break. Especially since my nail lady is across town, and the drive was just getting to be too much with the cost of getting them done. So in order to save money I was going to give up my addiction. Then I caved and went to a girl I went to high school with. She's cheaper and like five minutes away from my house, so I'm okay with it. Really, really okay with it. How cute are these for Spring? Amiright?

(three) I am so excited for my first little garden. My work is a garden center/lawn and animal supply/feed store so I get crazy discounts on things. Which if I didn't start my own garden, that would just be plain stupid of me. It's my first year so I'm not expecting anything too crazy, but I know quite a bit about gardening now that I have had loads of training classes on it. Maybe a gardening tips post is in the near future? Featured in the garden this year is Sungold Tomatoes, Celebrity Tomatoes, Garden Salsa Peppers, Candy Onions, Buttercrunch Lettuce, and I also have strawberries in a blue pot that aren't pictured.

(four) I have been having this horrible pain in my foot for the passed three days now. Every time I walk and take a step a pain just shoots through my foot, and it throbs in pain randomly too. It's really annoying, and I hobble everywhere. It's sad. I am not okay with it, really. It's like consistently stepping on a Lego. We've all been there. It hurts. Has this happened to anyone? My mom's forcing me to go to the doctor.

(five) I can't wait for two days off. I will have worked for a week and a half straight since my new position called for new days off. But, I'm actually kind of happy about having Sunday and Monday off. I actually feel like a somewhat normal human being. Speaking of new job, I got in some 5 week old Holland Lops. They are the cutest little things ever. I don't have a picture of them, but here's one that is close. Yep. I get to hold those things all day.

What are five things from this week that are on your mind?

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