What's In My Purse?

I love reading and watching videos about what's in other women's purses. I'm just nosy like that I guess. I had been thinking about doing a post of mine and then my dear friend Amber did, and convinced me of doing one! Unlike Amber's neat and organized bag, I have about a million things in mine. It's my very own Mary Poppins bag.

I bought this at Gordman's. It's a Kathy Van Zeeland handbag. You can find it here. I also have a matching wallet. I got the bag for around $30 and the wallet for $15 I believe. Don't quote me on that though. I've never been good with numbers. Alas, inside le purse.
If you need it, I probably have it.
  • Wallet - Inside I have $3, some Kohls cash, my credit/debit cards, insurance card, and driver's license.
  • Nail file - I hate when my acrylic nails grow out and get long... My nails grow fast. 
  • A pen 
  • A shot glass - I got this from a work training class. We're classy, yes.
  • EOS lip balm - LOVE this mint. My favorite.
  • Card holder - I literally have this thing full. I have too many cards. 
  • Glass cleaner - For my glasses, I promise it's not that weird. ...Okay, maybe. 
  • Hand sanitizer - I am addicted. And should probably just invest in Bath & Body Works ones that smell good.
  • A brush - I can't stand when my hair gets tangled. 
  • Contacts case - Sometimes they just need to come out. #blindgirlprobs
  • Contact solution 
  • Chap stick - I bought it because the container was cute...
  • Manicure kit - It has like fingernail clippers, file, etc. I never use it.
  • Tums - I've been getting heart burn so much lately, this has been a must.
  • Lucky perfume - I like to smell good.
  • Be Enchanted lotion - It smells delightful.
  • Pomegranate Fig lotion - Not as great smelling, but I love pomegranate so I refuse to get rid of it.
  • SD card - It was necessary for one of my classes last semester. And by last semester, I actually mean the one before that. Oops.
  • Inhaler - Sometimes I can't breathe. It's awesome. Asthma rocks!
  • TWO deodorants - I can't even explain this one to myself. 
  • Advil - After I got into my car accident I shoved these in my purse. Best. Decision. Ever.
  • Kleenex - I had a cold once. Like, two months ago. They are still great to have though!
  • Nivea lotion - More lotion...
  • Hawaiian Tropic Shimmer After Sun Moisturizer - ...And more.
  • Victoria's Secret lip gloss - I haven't used this in for-ev-er.
  • Burt's Bees chap stick - Just because two isn't enough apparently.

So there you have it! My black hole of a bag!
Share what's in your purse and comment down below with a link! I would love to snoop inside your handbag!  Let me get one more exclamation mark in here for the ultimate overkill!

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1 comment

  1. My bag used to look just like that, I kept everything in there haha until I got so fed up with not being able to find anything that I just had to cut back and organize it a little more lol. You keep some handy things in there!!! and *high five* for the EOS lip balm I LOVE the stuff...

    xx amber
