My Life in Lists!

I have another link up! It seems like that's all I ever post, but the thing I love about link ups is it has guidelines. I love guidelines. Another thing I love? Lists. I write them all the time. Every day, you can check my pocket and I'll have a list in it. I'm kind of obsessed. So this link up is right down my alley. I will be joining Marci and Kelli for the "My Life in Lists".

List Five Things You'd Do With a Million Dollars
(one) First thing on my list would be to buy a new car, since I don't have one right now. Thanks to lovely car accidents (just tried to find my post I wrote about the accident and can't find it? Strange). And, I'd buy my husband one too, since I'm nice like that. 

(two) I would buy the house I fell in love with the other day on Zillow. You guys. I'm so in love with it. Just... look. Here are a few pictures I saved from the website. 
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All pictures from Zillow. In order to protect my location privacy, I haven't linked back to the original posting.
 (three) I would then furnish that cute home of mine. Gah! I just love it. Also, included in furnishing I would build a garage for hubby because apparently he can't live without one.

(four) I would put money away for future children's school costs.

(five) Finally, take my side of the family and Tom's side of the family on a wonderful vacation to wherever we choose. It would be much needed for every single one of us.

What are five things you would spend a million dollars on? Link up and share!

Take a moment to follow me on these social media sites! 


  1. Oh my goodness, I love your five! I totally should have added a car to my list too! We're currently a one-car family which means the hubby takes it to work and I'm stuck at home with the boys! Sometimes it's so hard! And oh my goodness, that house! Those built-ins. I could die! I am obsessed! Thanks for linking up! xoxo

    1. Thank you! And, yes. The house. I'm in love with it. Thank you for dropping by and commenting!

  2. Such a pretty house! I love the curb appeal it has - both in the front and the back!! I always get myself in trouble when I got to that website to dream. If only ...

    Stoping by from the link up!

  3. That house.....absolutely gorgeous, I would have fallen in love with it also!!! Love this link up I think i'll go write one up myself haha
    xx amber

  4. I am in love with the built-in bookshelves in the bedroom of that house! Perfect!

    Elise @ Harvey Ever After

  5. I AM LOVING THAT HOUSE! like i want to go find it and obsess over it!! haha! and find that car accident post! I want to see what happened!
