I'm Grumpy Cat

It seriously has not been my week. It feels too early to be getting close to sailing the crimson river, sorry for the TMI. Boundaries? What are those? 

Starting off, one of my fish tanks at work got a fungal infection, so it started killing off all my red tail sharks. Great, that's lovely on it's own. It's even better because six tanks are connected to the same water so I had to treat every single one of the tanks. I'm not sure why they decided to make the color of the medicine green, which turns the tank green, but thanks for that one guys. So my manager kept telling me to get them back to "working order". Uh, sir, yeah they are in working order. If you want them to survive then let me do my thing, if not I'll clean them up and you can go down for fish loss. Idiot. 

Then I got home from having girl time and I get greeted by Tom with, "we have to talk." Nobody likes those words. Then, he didn't talk. He just walked me outside to a massacre. Of my beloved strawberry plant. All over my deck, and the ones that are still hanging on are basically just stems. I had a red strawberry. I was so proud. And then my husband's dumb mutt destroyed them. I've jokingly thought about murdering my dogs when they do things that make me mad, but I considered sending him to the pound there for a minute. I am still mad. 

Just now, I tried paying my power bill online and it kept saying that my password was wrong, so I tried to reset it and it told me my security question answer was wrong. Pretty sure my mom's maiden name has never ever changed. I'm beyond irritated. Everyone should walk on the other side of the street from me right now... 

If you want an accurate way of telling what kind of mood I am in, just type in "Grumpy Cat Memes" on Pinterest. That's me right now. All of them. 

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Sunday Social

1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve? 
When people get in front of you and SLOW DOWN. Are you kidding me? What is the point of that? Or even worse, they cut you off, slam on their brakes and turn. At that point I am hoping they are looking in their rear view mirror to see me telling them that they are number one.

2. What is your biggest blogging pet peeve? 
Too many ads on a page. I get it, you want to make money off your blog. But, when I have to navigate through your page carefully so I don't press on an ad, I'll just click off your blog entirely.

3. What is your biggest shopping pet peeve?
People who go snail speed and you have no room to go around them. Really grinds my gears.

4. What is your biggest general pet peeve? 
I have two that I can't decide between. When people tell me how to do my job, especially complete strangers. Yeah, I have my job because I know how to do it, thanks though. And second, people who don't say thank you, please, etc. Especially when I sneeze. You better bless me or you will get dagger eyes. Ask my husband.

5. What is your most irrational fear?
Opening the front door. Seriously. I don't open it for anyone. If I'm home alone you can guarantee if I hear a knock on the door I will mute my tv and not move in fear of somebody looking through the window to see shadow movement. It's bad to the point where when I was younger I would literally drop to the floor when I heard somebody at the door and crawl to the nearest hiding spot. Helllllo, it could be an ax murderer and I've seen far too many horror movies to know what happens. So if you're coming over, let me know so I don't peg you as a killer. 


I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately. For some reason this week was just not inspiring at all. But, I've missed bloggerville and will be returning. Hope everybody's Sunday is just as fabulous as you are!

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Meet Lana Elantra

Yes. This is my new pride and joy. I signed my life away today to get this car. A 2012 Hyundai Elantra. Basically, it's a smaller version of a Sonata. Which is sort of funny because my rental car that I had was a Sonata, and I definitely fell in love with it. Now I have my own! I got very lucky because my wonderful father-in-law works at a car dealership and got me a great deal on the car and also a wonderful discount on a 7 year warranty. I'm beyond excited and happy to have a car again. It's a stick shift, which is what I learned how to drive a car with so I've definitely missed it. I think it's fair to say that me and Lana are going to have some great times together. So there she is you guys! I'm happy happy happy. Isn't she cute!?

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Easter Sunday + Sunday Social

The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. ~Bern Williams
I absolutely love holidays. Anytime I get together with my family is a happy day. I love seeing my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, everybody. We get together, eat, have a wonderful time. This year was no different. My grandma's apple tree was in full bloom and I'm absolutely in love with how it looks. I definitely may or may not have cut off branches and now have them in a vase on my kitchen table. (I do) I love fresh flowers! Me love spring.

I'm going to link up for Sunday Social today. So here we go!

1. 5 songs you’ll listen to the rest of your life;
Better Together - Jack Johnson
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities
The Lumineers - This Song
Lorde's entire Pure Heroine album (cheating I know.)
Ghostland Observatory - Sad, Sad City

2. 5 things on your bucket list;
Light the Night Walk for my mom, lose weight, cage dive with sharks, travel to Europe, buy a house.
You can find my 22 Before 22 list here!

3. 5 celebs you’d love to hang out with for a day;
Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Aniston, Liam Hemsworth, Johnny Depp, and Sandra Bullock.

4. 5 things you always carry in your purse;
Wallet, chapstick, gum, lotion, and keys.

5. 5 books on your reading list;
I just want to read the Harry Potter series.

Happy Easter from this dysfunctional family duo!

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Five On Friday

I debated whether or not to write my Five on Friday post, and decided that I would regret it if I didn't. Technically it's Saturday, but shh. It's not the next day until you fall asleep and wake up.

(one) Easter is probably one of my favorite holidays. I love holidays in general, but any holiday that my whole family gets together at my grandparents are always my favorites. My grandma makes the best strawberry cake that I wait for the entire year. It's probably the most amazing thing ever. For reals. I'm excited for Sunday. This picture was on Easter a couple years ago, it's of me, my cute grandpa in bunny ears, and my sister.

(two) I got my nails done even though I swore I was going to give them a break. Especially since my nail lady is across town, and the drive was just getting to be too much with the cost of getting them done. So in order to save money I was going to give up my addiction. Then I caved and went to a girl I went to high school with. She's cheaper and like five minutes away from my house, so I'm okay with it. Really, really okay with it. How cute are these for Spring? Amiright?

(three) I am so excited for my first little garden. My work is a garden center/lawn and animal supply/feed store so I get crazy discounts on things. Which if I didn't start my own garden, that would just be plain stupid of me. It's my first year so I'm not expecting anything too crazy, but I know quite a bit about gardening now that I have had loads of training classes on it. Maybe a gardening tips post is in the near future? Featured in the garden this year is Sungold Tomatoes, Celebrity Tomatoes, Garden Salsa Peppers, Candy Onions, Buttercrunch Lettuce, and I also have strawberries in a blue pot that aren't pictured.

(four) I have been having this horrible pain in my foot for the passed three days now. Every time I walk and take a step a pain just shoots through my foot, and it throbs in pain randomly too. It's really annoying, and I hobble everywhere. It's sad. I am not okay with it, really. It's like consistently stepping on a Lego. We've all been there. It hurts. Has this happened to anyone? My mom's forcing me to go to the doctor.

(five) I can't wait for two days off. I will have worked for a week and a half straight since my new position called for new days off. But, I'm actually kind of happy about having Sunday and Monday off. I actually feel like a somewhat normal human being. Speaking of new job, I got in some 5 week old Holland Lops. They are the cutest little things ever. I don't have a picture of them, but here's one that is close. Yep. I get to hold those things all day.

What are five things from this week that are on your mind?

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Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

Sorry for the horrible quality. Front iPhone camera for ya.
If you read in some earlier posts, I mentioned getting a new job as Pet Room Manager. Basically I order animals, anything from snakes to hamsters, sell them, and most of the time just take care of them. With that being said, I'm pretty much comfortable around reptiles that the ordinary Joe would be squeamish of. Let it be known though, I don't do tarantulas. Once the two I have in my pet room right now are sold, they will be the last.

The main purpose of this post is how I stepped outside of my comfort zone. The store I worked at before was great. The people were awesome, and I honestly made some lifelong friends there. I was comfortable and happy there as a cashier, but to be honest, I was bummed that I didn't get to work in the pet room at that particular store. Especially when my good friend Rachael, who was in charge of it left. I guess that's what I get for assuming the position was mine. They hired someone else, to everyone's surprise. Turns out my manager was trying not to hurt someone else's feelings. (If you ask me, that's a horrible manager quality, but maybe I'm just bitter.)

Anyway, another pet room management position opened up at another store owned by the company. I was iffy on applying, but I did anyway. I heard some not so great things about the manager of the store, but I took my chances, and here I am. At that store, with that manager, and I am feeling uncomfortable. I have mixed feelings about the manager so far, but he seems to be a nice fella if you do your job. It was only my second day on the job, but I'm sad. I miss my people, I miss my old store. I have never been one who does well with new things. I am a great people person. Give me a customer, and I won't let them leave without a smile on their face. That's just who I am. But, going into a new job, not knowing anyone is hard. You see them everyday, unlike the customer who you deal with for only a little part of your day. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm there to keep the animals healthy and happy. That's it. Everything else will fall into place, and friendships will be made if that's what's meant to be.

Please forgive me if I start speaking in parseltongue. It just means that I interact with reptiles more than humans.

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Ipsy Bag Review: April '14

One of my favorite days of the month! I get so happy to see my pink shiny package in the mail. This months Ipsy bag has been my absolute favorite. The theme this month is "Beauty Rocks". If you missed my other bags you can find February here and March here. I have the original price of these products in parenthesis after the name. For $10 a month it's a bargain.

Cailyn Tinted Lip Balm in Apple Pink ($19); This color is so smooth. It took me a minute to figure out that there was a brush in the cap. It makes it a lot easier than sticking my finger in there! The color is a pinky-coral color. It's a very pretty color and would look good on anyone.

St. Tropez Multi-Action Moisturizer ($35); This is the ultimate moisturizer. If it wasn't so expensive, this would be my go-to moisturizer. The one thing I don't like is the smell. It smells almost like medicine? I don't know, but can't complain because it's an expensive high quality product!

Cover FX Primer ($16); I was worried about this product at first because it looks like it would feel thick and oily on the skin, but it absorbs quickly and feels like nothing is there! Plus, a little goes a long ways for the most part.

Elizabeth Mott Pop! Goes the Shadow ($8); This color is in champagne, which does an accurate job of describing the color of the shadow. This stuff is really amazing. The pigment is incredible, and really is a beautiful color. This is something I can really see myself investing in.

Urban Decay Black Velvet Liner ($10); This liner is so sultry and nice. I absolutely love it. The color is a really nice black, and seriously does kind of remind me of velvet. It's perfect for a smoky eye or bolder look. And, it really is a great price at normal retail.

I saved $88 because of Ipsy! What are your favorite beauty box subscriptions.

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My Life in Lists!

I have another link up! It seems like that's all I ever post, but the thing I love about link ups is it has guidelines. I love guidelines. Another thing I love? Lists. I write them all the time. Every day, you can check my pocket and I'll have a list in it. I'm kind of obsessed. So this link up is right down my alley. I will be joining Marci and Kelli for the "My Life in Lists".

List Five Things You'd Do With a Million Dollars
(one) First thing on my list would be to buy a new car, since I don't have one right now. Thanks to lovely car accidents (just tried to find my post I wrote about the accident and can't find it? Strange). And, I'd buy my husband one too, since I'm nice like that. 

(two) I would buy the house I fell in love with the other day on Zillow. You guys. I'm so in love with it. Just... look. Here are a few pictures I saved from the website. 
Add caption
All pictures from Zillow. In order to protect my location privacy, I haven't linked back to the original posting.
 (three) I would then furnish that cute home of mine. Gah! I just love it. Also, included in furnishing I would build a garage for hubby because apparently he can't live without one.

(four) I would put money away for future children's school costs.

(five) Finally, take my side of the family and Tom's side of the family on a wonderful vacation to wherever we choose. It would be much needed for every single one of us.

What are five things you would spend a million dollars on? Link up and share!

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Sunday Social

Ahh, yes. Sundays. One of my favorite days of the week. It's a short work day, andddd I work with what we call the "A-Team" at work because we are so awesome. I'm sure going to miss them since next Sunday I'll be at a completely new store without my "A-Team". (tear)

Today I'm again, linking up for the Sunday Social. 

1. What was your best birthday?
Is it sad I can't really remember any birthdays or none really come to mind? Not in a "I was too drunk to remember" kind of way, but a "I'm really lame and don't care to celebrate my birthday much." kind of way. Which is completely different from my husband who thinks that his birthday should be a national freakin holidayweek. So I'll just say my surprise 18th birthday. Yippee, I hate surprises. (I sound so grumpy)

2. What was your best vacation?
Definitely Tennessee, hands down. Greatest. I loved every minute of that mini-vacay. All of the old buildings and history. Plus we went to Dollywood which has like, thee best roller coasters. I even contemplated packing my bags and moving there after graduating by myself. I loved it there, and still want to go back. That's my favorite picture I got from there. An old saloon in old downtown Knoxville.

This was a picture from last year's McCall trip. We're the coolest of cats.

3. What is the best date you've ever been on?
I'm not sure if you consider this a date, but going to McCall with my husband (then almost boyfriend). McCall is seriously my favorite place to go and that's where we started dating. We go every year for a family vacation. We went jet-skiing, camping, and fishing. It was seriously the greatest weekend. 
4. What is the best movie(quality) you've seen?
Ooh, this is a toughy. I'm going to say Harry Potter. Because I'm a potterhead for life.
5. What is the best TV show ending of all time?
None. Shows should go on forever. At least the good ones. It's taken me almost four months to get the courage to actually finish Dexter because I've heard that the ending is just horrible. 

And that's all folks. Have a happy Sunday!

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Five On Friday!

It's that time again, Friday. But, sadly for me, Monday. That's boo-worthy right there. Consider yourself lucky if you have a Mon-Fri 9-5 job. I'll gladly switch you shifts any day. And I'll give you a free bunny to go with it. Tempting, I know.

(one) Next February, yes, it's like a year away, we are going to go to Las Vegas with Tom's best friend and his wife. It's going to be a couple's trip, and I'm real excited! I'll be 21 by then (I'm still a baby), and I've never been to Las Vegas. I've never even been to Nevada and my dad even works there, and it's right below Idaho. Pathetic. I promise you, I'm not sheltered.

(two) Yesterday I cleaned my little heart away, and the house is twinkling. I love days off where I can clean. It makes my heart happy to have a clean house. I get real grumpy when it's not. Although, I do wish I would have gone out and got the grocery shopping done with Tom and other things we need to do. Tomorrow will have to do.

(three) I have the cutest little window gazing lover mutts on planet earth. How are they not on the cover of Modern Dog Magazine? I don't know, but sign my boys up. They wanna be famous.

(four) After doing hours work of homework last night I found a crazy article about how men may be the cause of menopause in women. Basically, it goes against natural selection because it's stopping reproduction instead of the opposite. Men prefer to reproduce with younger women, simple as that. And, if women were to start seeking younger guys to reproduce with the adverse affect would happen and men would become infertile in old age. Read for yourself here! Just thought I'd share my geeky biology news with you. You're welcome.

(five) Sorry for the terrible quality ahead of time, my house has the lighting issues of a highway gas station bathroom. This is my new little area of the house that is all mine. My corner of what I call 'the lady cave', not really though cause I just now made it up. Anyway, this is my blogging/homework area. I like it, but it needs a little somethin-sometin on the wall, I think. Take note of my planner obsession. I. Need. Help.

Happy Friday!

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Sometimes Life Is Bittersweet

Excuse the terrible quality. And, I'm sorry for the snake if you don't like them!
I think it's about time I talk about what I do to pay the bills. I work for a locally owned business called Zamzows. It's a chain of ten different stores around the area. It's a pet supply and lawn care store. Basically we sell all things lawn and garden and pet supplies from big to small. We also have a pet room that has a variety of reptiles, birds, fish, and small animals. Since starting at the business back in September, I've mainly been a cashier, but also assisted the pet room manager in taking care of the animals. It's always been more or less my happy place while being there. I've always been an animal lover.

Since starting I've always wanted to be a pet room manager for my store. I've grown attached to my store, and they are pretty much my other family. I have created life long friendships with some of the people I work with. Next Tuesday, I will be moved to a different store to take on my new position as pet room manager. I'm scared, I'm excited, I'm nervous, and sad all at once. It is so bittersweet to be leaving my store. I grow far too attached to people. I'm also nervous in taking on such a huge responsibility, and I hope I'll be good at it. That being said, I'm opening up a new chapter of my life, and hopefully this new chapter will lead to other good things to come.

I'm very knowledgeable of animals of all types and take pride in keeping them healthy and happy. Would anybody be interested in a new section of my blog talking about animals and their proper care? Also, if you have any questions concerning a certain pet, feel free to ask away!

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*pictured about from left to right is a Chinchilla, a Mojave Ball Python, and a Mini Rex Bunny

Vera Wang Be Jeweled Rogue Review

Today, I was a bargain shopper. I went to Kohl's, with $30 Kohl's cash in my pocket and didn't expect to come out with anything. I was just browsing today, and I really don't even like the Kohl's I went to so with that in mind, I really thought I would come out empty handed. I am one of those people that chokes out in an entire section of the store spraying perfume. Sorry. I sprayed this stuff, smelled it, and then sprayed it all over me. It smells amazing! Lucky enough for me, there was a $10 off coupon sitting next to it. I get up to the register, and I kid you not, I paid $5 for a $45 bottle of perfume. I'm ecstatic. Up at the counter I saw a little display of Essie polish and had to get one. I've had my eye on the very popular mint candy apple, but they didn't have it so instead I got the enuf-is-enuf. I'm excited to try it out! Apparently I was feeling the pinky colors today.

Now, I'm just rambling but I had to share with you guys how I saved $40, I'm just so proud of myself.

The Vera Wang is a floral/fruit/musk smell all in one. It's very feminine. I honestly would have paid full price for this product. Also, one spray goes a long ways to be honest. I sprayed it on my wrist and rubbed them together and then also dragged my wrist behind my ears and that was it. It's been a couple hours, and it still smells just as good.

The fragrance notes listed are; Pomegranate, red currant, champagne, passion fruit, florals, musk infused woods and pink sugar crystals.

It really explains why I love this scent so much, I love anything pomegranate. I also think the packaging and the bottle itself are very attractive and girly. It gets my overall stamp of approval. I would highly recommend this perfume to anyone, especially right now! It's a perfect spring wear!

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32 Things That Make Me Happy!

That new song that goes, "Because I'm happppppy. Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof." just popped into my head. Is it just me or...? Yeah, probably just me. I'm probably the only one who doesn't understand those lyrics either. Anyway, moving on.
I'm linking up with Erin and Sarah for the 32 Things That Make Me Happy Link Up!

1. Seasons. Ahhh, yes. I love when a new season rolls around just in time. My dear old potato state has been cold and ugly, and I'm starting to see the sun pop out from behind the clouds and the warmth coming through. And, about July I'll be ready for October. Seasons rock. (But, I would choose fall over all.)

2. Puppies, omg give me all the puppies in the world.

3. A clean kitchen.

4. Succulents. You guys are sick of me for this one, I know it.

5. Frozen yogurt. 

6. Fresh fruit. Especially strawberries.

7. Disney movies. Seriously could watch them all day every day.

8. Vacations. I have been on very few. But, they make me happy. Just getting away from reality and taking a step back is the best.

9. #11 at Jimmy Johns, with a large lemonade and salt and vinegar chips.

10. Yoga pants.

11. Blogging. Yeah, I really do enjoy it.

12. French Bulldogs. I want one, and I will never give up in owning one. They are the cutest damn things on planet earth.

13. Guacamole from Chipotle.

14. Animals. I have a job that I get to interact with animals all day long, and it's the greatest.

15. Getting my nails done. I have a slight addiction to it. #sorrynotsorry

16. Moccasins. If I could wear them every single day without my feet hurting, you bet I would.

17. Massages. My husband is too good to me and gives me them pretty much every night.

18. Summer thunder storms.

19. Memes and eCards. Because when I'm bored I will laugh by myself looking at them on Pinterest.
20. Office supplies. Best aisle in the store, really. Don't take me to Staples unless you wanna be there for hours.

21. HGTV.

22. Journals and notebooks. I have an odd collection.

23. Cups and water bottles. If I see them in the store my husband has to pull my arm out of my socket to make me not grab anymore.

24. Smoothies.

25. Netflix.

26. Leopard print anything and everything. I need it all.

27. John Green and any of his books.

28. Old pictures from my childhood.
Sorry for the awful quality, but look at this little gem.

29. Candles.

30. Laughter, seriously. Just laughing makes me happy.

31. Life time friends that are stuck with me forever.

32. And last but most definitely my favorite, my little family.

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Spring Has Sprung!

Spring has arrived at my work! The greenhouse looks so beautiful and colorful. I am loving it! I'm not going to lie either. I bought more succulents because I'm a sucker like that. And, I'm totally going to bore you to tears with another post about them because I have one little one that looks like alien feet and another that looks like a cell cut in half. Yeah. It's neat. But, until then, take a peek inside our greenhouse!

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What's In My Purse?

I love reading and watching videos about what's in other women's purses. I'm just nosy like that I guess. I had been thinking about doing a post of mine and then my dear friend Amber did, and convinced me of doing one! Unlike Amber's neat and organized bag, I have about a million things in mine. It's my very own Mary Poppins bag.

I bought this at Gordman's. It's a Kathy Van Zeeland handbag. You can find it here. I also have a matching wallet. I got the bag for around $30 and the wallet for $15 I believe. Don't quote me on that though. I've never been good with numbers. Alas, inside le purse.
If you need it, I probably have it.
  • Wallet - Inside I have $3, some Kohls cash, my credit/debit cards, insurance card, and driver's license.
  • Nail file - I hate when my acrylic nails grow out and get long... My nails grow fast. 
  • A pen 
  • A shot glass - I got this from a work training class. We're classy, yes.
  • EOS lip balm - LOVE this mint. My favorite.
  • Card holder - I literally have this thing full. I have too many cards. 
  • Glass cleaner - For my glasses, I promise it's not that weird. ...Okay, maybe. 
  • Hand sanitizer - I am addicted. And should probably just invest in Bath & Body Works ones that smell good.
  • A brush - I can't stand when my hair gets tangled. 
  • Contacts case - Sometimes they just need to come out. #blindgirlprobs
  • Contact solution 
  • Chap stick - I bought it because the container was cute...
  • Manicure kit - It has like fingernail clippers, file, etc. I never use it.
  • Tums - I've been getting heart burn so much lately, this has been a must.
  • Lucky perfume - I like to smell good.
  • Be Enchanted lotion - It smells delightful.
  • Pomegranate Fig lotion - Not as great smelling, but I love pomegranate so I refuse to get rid of it.
  • SD card - It was necessary for one of my classes last semester. And by last semester, I actually mean the one before that. Oops.
  • Inhaler - Sometimes I can't breathe. It's awesome. Asthma rocks!
  • TWO deodorants - I can't even explain this one to myself. 
  • Advil - After I got into my car accident I shoved these in my purse. Best. Decision. Ever.
  • Kleenex - I had a cold once. Like, two months ago. They are still great to have though!
  • Nivea lotion - More lotion...
  • Hawaiian Tropic Shimmer After Sun Moisturizer - ...And more.
  • Victoria's Secret lip gloss - I haven't used this in for-ev-er.
  • Burt's Bees chap stick - Just because two isn't enough apparently.

So there you have it! My black hole of a bag!
Share what's in your purse and comment down below with a link! I would love to snoop inside your handbag!  Let me get one more exclamation mark in here for the ultimate overkill!

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