You're a half a year old. I can't even believe how fast it has gone. It honestly feels like just yesterday that you were being handed to me by your daddy in the hospital, and now I already have some of your first birthday planned. I was looking at you today and I can't even imagine you being that small anymore. It's safe to say that you light up everyone's world. Everyone who meets you, you put a smile on their face. Hunter, you're such a special little boy, and loved so deeply by everyone who knows you. Everyday your personality develops more and more.
You've learned to roll both ways now and you're far too mobile for my liking. I have to keep a constant eye on you. You are back crawling like crazy, pretty soon you'll be cruising in the right direction. You roll, scoot, and push yourself all over the place. It's so fun to watch, yet so bittersweet. On the 4th of July you cut your first tooth, and I think we're in for a second one here soon since you've been ever so cranky these passed couple days.
You are sitting up so well by yourself now and you really enjoy sitting in the bathtub and playing with your toys in there. I still have to hang on to you lightly because your balance could be better, but for the most part you've become very independent. You're starting to reach for me now when you want picked up or for me to take you. It literally makes my heart flutter seeing that. Nothing is safe around you because you're so curious and grabbing everything you see. You just want to explore everything. You love animals already and reach for the dogs all the time. We want to take you to the aquarium soon, I really think you'll enjoy that.
I've been doing some research on baby led weaning and have been considering this a good option since you reach and open your mouth for anything I am eating. It's pretty adorable, I know you won't be very picky because you like lemons! We gave you a lemon to try at dinner, and you didn't even really make a sour face!
You are absolutely growing like a little weed. You are pretty much barely squeezing in to your 9 month sleepers and shorts, we're going to have to buy you 12 month very soon! And you're wearing 9 month onsies and shirts okay, but also fit well in 12 month. It's insanity how fast you're growing out of things. For being such a fit baby, you are just big everywhere! Yet not chubby, it surely is the weirdest thing. You are wearing size 4 diapers, still drinking 7 oz every 4 hours and waking up once a night to eat. Your appointment is in a week where you'll be weighed and get your booster shots. I will update this after I know your new height and weight.
We've been co-sleeping together all this time, and I think it's time for you to move to your own bed. It is going to be just as hard for me to adjust to this since I love cuddling you and bonding with you. Sleep training will start very soon to get you to sleep in the crib in our room. You won't move into your own room until you stop waking up at night to eat and I feel comfortable enough to let you go. Which may take awhile.
LOVES // rolling over, bath time and being in the water in general, stroller rides, playing with toys, and touching faces.
HATES // being swaddled now, sleeping alone, teething, car rides when you're tired (if you have your binky in you'll usually fall asleep. Sometimes I have to hold your hand until you do).
I'm cherishing each moment with you because every day you're getting older and more independent. I love you Hunter, with all of my being. You are the apple of my eye, and the reason for my existence.
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