[Home Dream Board] Master Bedroom

When I think of how I want to decorate the master bedroom, I have SO many ideas and they are all SO different. I love light, bright, and white themed and I also love dark and mature themes. Obviously dark would be more practical especially when it comes to the Hampton clan here. Tom and I could think about wearing white and spill something on ourselves. As beautiful and classic a bedroom like that would be, it probably wouldn't suit our family very well.

I've taken all these pictures from various places off pinterest. I don't claim to own any of them. If you see a picture that you own, PLEASE tell me in the comments so I can give you proper credit. Thank you. 

Without further ado, here are some of my favorites! (With light/white rooms included because I can dream, can't I? After all this is called a dream board!]

I love the mismatched theme going on here! And that fireplace, I can't even.

L-O-V-E the white windows and drapes against that blue!

The color scheme here is perfect, and hello wall decor. 

Mostly posting because bully butt. 

There are no words... 
So fresh!

What kind of theme would you have or do you have for your dream master bedroom? 

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