5 Things I've Learned Since Being A Mother

Just under six months ago I got promoted to being a mommy. It's the best job ever. Here are just 5 things out of many that I've learned in such a short time from being Hunter's mother.

LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME // And how could it be? Here is this tiny human that depends on me in every single way for survival. I don't get to go hang out with friends whenever. My husband and I can't go see a movie at the last minute. Can't stay out late, because little one has a bedtime and it's not fun to mess up that schedule. But, my life has never been so full, and I could care less about those things. He makes my life better than I ever thought possible.

I LOSE MY MIND SOMETIMES // It's 3 a.m. and we're both crying and exhausted. I have to be up in 4 hours to get ready for work, and we've reached our breaking point. That exhaustion doesn't go away it's sticks all day long and I find myself doing the strangest things. During diaper changes your supposed to put the new diaper on the child right? Not just finish putting their clothes back on and look over and there it is, the untouched diaper that's supposed to be on his bum already. Oops. Yeah, that gallon of milk will not fit in my cupboard. Which is also a good thing, because I wouldn't have noticed if it had. How did I not see the giant bottle of baby lotion in the hamper before emptying it in the washing machine and realizing after I went to switch everything over to the dryer...?

PATIENCE IS INDEED A VIRTUE // Those nights when he refuses to sleep will one day be a distant memory. One day I'll be holding onto the arm of a taller man who's beard hides his adorable dimples I couldn't stop kissing. I've learned to be patient with these crying fits, he doesn't hate me, in fact he'll scream harder if I put him down. More than likely he's over tired or his little gums hurt.

IT'S OKAY TO ASK FOR HELP // I've had to have my parent's take him a couple times for a night because I am just so exhausted and I need sleep. NEED. And that's okay. I'm human. I need someone to swoop in and help me sometimes. I need my husband to help around the house and to make dinner. I need him to take Hunter for just 20 minutes so I can shower and feel more like a woman again.

I'M A GOOD MOM // Even when I get frustrated. Even when I need help. Even when I feel like I'm going to break. Even when I feel relieved when his grandma picks him up to watch him for the day (because five minutes later I miss his sweet face). Even when I need ten minutes to collect myself. Even when I feel like I'm failing at being a mother and I could be doing a better job, I'm a kick ass mom. I am the best mom for Hunter and for all my future children. And, nothing can change that. Being a mom is the best thing I've ever done.

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