One // Meet Ziggy, our newest addition to the family. For someone who rolls my eyes at people for having fish in bowls, I am a walking contradictory with this guy. I have him in a vase with a piece of bamboo. But, he's making a bubble nest, so he's finding it satisfactory enough. Have you ever read about these little guys? Betta fish are pretty amazing. They are native to Southeast Asia. They are a labyrinth fish, so basically they can breathe both actual air and through their gills in the water. That's what makes them so adaptable to living in small spaces. As long as they stay wet they will live. They can essentially survive in a shallow puddle. A lot of people complain that these guys will try and jump out of bowls and that's because in their natural habitat they will jump out of puddles and flop to the next one in order to survive and find bigger water. Sorry for nerding out but these guys are so cool! And, it's also a myth that they cannot be mixed with other fish. If you have a large tank (we're talking 15+ gallons here) they usually get along with other small community fish. Male bettas just do not get along with their own species and will fight. Female bettas on the other hand can be put in with other female bettas. They call it a sorority. How cute!
Two // We are currently trying to crib train our little man. We are slowly introducing him to his pack n play we have in the master bedroom and then once he stops waking up at night and is okay with being alone, we will move him to his own room. It's going to be hard on both me and him because I've grown to love the bonding time we have cuddling at night. I am a sucker for sweet babe cuddles.
Three // This stuff is to die for! Oh my goodness. They had so many different kinds of jelly too. They had Mt. Dew, Dr. Pepper, and Rootbeer jelly. WHAT!? This jelly is seriously my favorite jelly ever. It's delicious on toast and the best thing to do with it is put it on cream cheese and eat with crackers. Be still, my (artery clogged) beating heart.
Four // Hunter just cut his first tooth this passed week! He was such a grump and we could feel a tiny part of the tooth but now you can actually see the whole dang thing! It's surreal how fast he's grown. I can't even believe it. And, the crazy thing is, I think he has another tooth coming in... SLOW DOWN PLEASE.
Five // Speaking of how fast he's growing, he'll be six months old on Monday. SIX. MONTHS. OLD. It is so bittersweet. He's become so so fun these passed few weeks. He's so interactive, and loves animals (seen above when Sarge was playing with baby during bath time), and his personality is developing so much. I love it. Is it too soon to be planning his first birthday? I think not.. I've already started to pin so many things for it. It will be Monsters Inc./University themed. I'm far too excited for it.
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