Summer Bucket List

So I create these every season... And I maybe do like one thing on them? But, I'm kinda sorta determined to do all these things! I'm making them super practical so don't expect me to go sky diving and come back and blog about it. You will not find a super outgoing person here, sorry. Moving right along. Here is my summer bucket list! Save it, and do these things with me and then share your time with me!

  • Visit the aquarium
  • Go to McCall
  • Go to a farmer's market
  • Read a new book
  • Join a library
  • Host a BBQ
  • Go to Ice Cream Alley
  • Go to the lake
  • Blog everyday in July
  • Make a video or do a vlog
  • Make homemade ice cream 
  • Start and complete a 30 day challenge 

There is my bucket list! What are some of your plans for the summer? 

You can also find me on these other social media sites!

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